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14 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 14

was resurrected, and became the first of the or chosen people as “firstfruits” of His Master
firstfruits of YEHOVAH’s Master Plan Plan. These “firstfruits” will be reaped at the
(Colossians 1:18). After a period of time, second coming of Yeshua the Messiah -- ONLY
symbolized by the seven sabbaths and the A VERY FEW SHORT YEARS FROM NOW!
fifty-day period ending with Pentecost, those 11. Who is it that does the reaping of
who are the Messiah’s first-century called-out YEHOVAH’s firstfruit harvest? Verses 30 and
ones (the Wave Sheaf), and have the holy spirit, 39. Compare I Thessalonians 4:16-17 and
are to be resurrected as the completed firstfruits Matthew 24:31.
harvest in YEHOVAH’s plan. These are known COMMENT: When Yeshua the
as the 144,000 -- see Revelation 14:1. (For more Messiah returns to this earth, he will send forth
information send for our articles The 144,000 -- his angels to gather those who are the elect and
Future? or Fulfilled? And also, The Secret of chosen -- the good grain -- into his father’s
the “Wave Sheaf”). Kingdom.
7. Notice what the Messiah wants us to
learn about the spiritual harvests. It is found in The Holy Spirit Prepared YEHOVAH’s
Matthew 13:24-30 and 37-43. What happens Firstfruits
when the Messiah sows the seed of truth among
the people of the earth? Verses 24-25 explained Now let’s understand why the holy spirit
by verses 37-38. came on the day that symbolizes the harvest of
8. How did the Messiah know the wheat, firstfruits.
the good grain, from the tares, or worthless 1. Did Yeshua the Messiah promise his
weeds? Verse 26. Although some people try to disciples POWER and supernatural help? Luke
hide their wicked works, is the fruit of their 24:49 and Acts 1:4.
disobedience easily recognizable to YEHOVAH 2. With YEHOVAH God’s holy spirit
God? Verses 26 and 38. What is the final end of were the first-century Christians able to do the
those who do not produce the fruit of same works Yeshua did? John 14:12. Were true
YEHOVAH’s holy spirit in their lives? Verses Christians able to do even greater works than the
30 and 41-42. Messiah did by the POWER of YEHOVAH’s
9. What happens to those who produce spirit? Same verse.
righteousness, obedience and the other fruits of 3. Could Yeshua the Messiah do
YEHOVAH’s Spirit? Verse 30 and 41, 43. anything with just his human power? John 5:20,
10. When is the harvest? Verses 30 and 30. John 8:28. Where did Yeshua get the power
39. he needed to do the works he did? John 14:10
COMMENT: The phrase “end of the last part. Notice the words, “but the Father
world” should be translated “END OF THE THAT DWELLETH IN ME, He doeth the
AGE” indicating the final days of man’s rule works.”
over the earth and the time of the second 4. Will YEHOVAH’s spirit be the same
appearance of Yeshua the Messiah and the return in true Christians as it was in Yeshua the
of YEHOVAH God. This is the time of the Messiah? Does it come from the Father? John
harvest of firstfruits. The seven Sabbaths and 14:11, John 14:16.
fifty-day period between the Wave-Sheaf 5. Is it necessary to obey YEHOVAH
offering and Pentecost symbolizes those who God to receive the gift of the holy spirit? Acts
received the Word between the coming of the 5:32. Did Yeshua also have to OBEY
holy spirit in 31 A.D. and almost the rest of the YEHOVAH GOD to use YEHOVAH’s holy
first century -- probably up to 81 A.D. During spirit? Does he expect Christians to OBEY
that time YEHOVAH God called out an “elect” TODAY? John 15:10. Isn’t the same holy spirit

Day of Pentecost -- The Church in YEHOVAH’s Master Plan
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