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Lesson 14 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 17
covenant or agreement YEHOVAH God will 9. Should Christians rejoice knowing
make with all those who become spiritual that YEHOVAH’s spirit can help them to
Israelites? Hebrews 8:10-12. Does YEHOVAH overcome this evil world as Yeshua the Messiah
God agree to forget your past sins and PUT HIS did? I John 4:3 and 4.
Him? Same verses. YEHOVAH’s Law Given At Mount Sinai
6. Does YEHOVAH promise to put His
LAW in your MIND? Verse 10. It was on Pentecost that YEHOVAH
7. How will YEHOVAH put His law in God founded the New Testament Church. On
your mind? Philippians 2:5. Did Yeshua the that Holy Day in A.D. 31 the holy spirit was first
Messiah have YEHOVAH’s spirit in his mind? made generally available.
Wasn’t he the first human being ever to have But most people have never realized that
been begotten and actually born of YEHOVAH the Day of Pentecost or Firstfruits also had to do
God -- the firstfruits of the resurrection? James with YEHOVAH God’s Old Testament
1:18 and Colossians 1:18. Did Yeshua OBEY congregation -- the nation Israel. The Jews today
COMPLETELY -- even suffering DEATH for have never lost the historical tradition that
us? Philippians 2:8. during the time at Mount Sinai, YEHOVAH
COMMENT: YEHOVAH God expects God Almighty gave the Israelites the Law.
our COMPLETE OBEDIENCE. To obey Understand why both the Law of
YEHOVAH God completely we need His holy YEHOVAH God and the holy spirit were given
spirit in our minds. It will give us the very same during this time.
MIND Yeshua the Messiah had. We will see 1. Where does YEHOVAH WANT His
things from the Messiah’s point of view, we will Law to be written? Jeremiah 31:33.
understand and know to obey YEHOVAH’s 2. But where was it ORIGINALLY
law. Only YEHOVAH’s holy spirit can give us written? Exodus 31:18.
the SUPERNATURAL POWER WE NEED TO 3. Are the carnal human hearts of men
BEGIN TO KEEP YEHOVAH’S LAW IN ITS like the stone on which YEHOVAH God wrote
SPIRITUAL INTENT. the Law at Sinai? II Corinthians 3:3. Isn’t it
8. Without YEHOVAH’s spirit will you YEHOVAH’s purpose to have the Ten
be able to really UNDERSTAND YEHOVAH’s Commandments, originally written in stone,
truth? John 16:13. Without YEHOVAH’s spirit now written in human hearts by His holy spirit?
in your mind can you worship YEHOVAH God Ezekiel 36:26-27 and Ezekiel 11:19-20.
as you should? John 4:24.
COMMENT: WHY the holy spirit? YEHOVAH’s Sabbath Revealed in
YEHOVAH’s holy spirit will give you the Wilderness of Sin!
SUPERNATURAL HELP to live the same life
today that Yeshua the Messiah lived as a fleshly To “Jewish” people today, the Feast of
human being over 1900 years ago. Today Pentecost or Firstfruits always brings to mind
Yeshua the Messiah has sent his Father’s holy YEHOVAH’s Law -- the Ten Commandments.
spirit to the members of his True Church. Let’s go to the Bible and PROVE -- step
Through that spirit, the Messiah is LIVING IN by step -- that the ancient Judean tradition is
THE FLESH AND BLOOD members of his valid. Shortly after arriving at Mount Sinai
Church. They are LIVING the very same kind of YEHOVAH God Almighty Himself spoke the
life Yeshua lived -- a life of OBEDIENCE, Ten Commandments from Mount Sinai.
OVERCOMING and ENDURING TO THE 1. After finally escaping Egypt, by
END OF THIS AGE! crossing the Red Sea dry shod, when did Israel
Day of Pentecost -- The Church in YEHOVAH’s Master Plan