Page 19 - index
P. 19
Lesson 14 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 19
ancient Israel suffered. The attack of Amalek days from Nisan 16 to Shavuot (Pentecost) is in
against Israel is typical of the attitude and ERROR.
accusations this world exhibits when it sees that 2. How many days AFTER the seven
you are beginning to keep YEHOVAH’s true Sabbaths were COMPLETE did they arrive at
weekly Sabbath and Holy Days -- His Annual the mountain? Check the calendar months on
Sabbaths. pages 9-10.
9. What happened on the next day? COMMENT: If you look at the calendar
Exodus 18:5-8. And the following day after months on pages 9-10, you will see that the
that? Verse 13. Israelites arrived at Mount Sinai in the THIRD
COMMENT: By the time they broke MONTH (Sivan) -- SEVEN DAYS after the
camp for Mount Sinai in Midian (modern-day seven Sabbaths were complete.
Saudi Arabia) it was the middle of the week. 3. What DATE on YEHOVAH’s
Here they were to remain encamped for nearly calendar month of Sivan were the “seven
the next whole year. Sabbaths complete”? Check calendar on page
Shavuot At Mount Sinai COMMENT: The seven Sabbaths were
complete on Sivan 8. There are SEVEN DAYS
1. When did the Israelites arrive at from Sivan 8 to when the Israelites arrived at the
Mount Sinai? Exodus 19:1, 2. mountain on Sivan 15.
COMMENT: They arrived at the 4. What happened immediately upon
mountain in the THIRD MONTH -- otherwise their arrival at Mount Sinai? Exodus 19:10-11.
known as Sivan. The “same day” refers to the COMMENT: The Israelites were set
fifteenth day of the third month (Sivan) -- which apart on the 15th day of Sivan -- the day they
means that they arrived at Mount Sinai MORE arrived at the mountain. On the following day --
than 50 days after the Wave Sheaf Offering. This the 16th -- they washed in preparation for the
shows that the commonly believed “count fifty” THIRD day after their arrival.
The peak of the Jabal Al Lawz mountain ridge -- Mount Sinai, the mountain of YEHOVAH God in
Midian. In the upper left corner the plateau can be seen, and behind the plateau the campsite.
Day of Pentecost -- The Church in YEHOVAH’s Master Plan