Page 22 - index
P. 22
22 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson14
Write for these articles --
Amazing New Insights On Observing
The SECRET of the “Wave Sheaf”
PENTECOST -- Its True Meaning and
Incredible Symbolism
PENTECOST -- The Mystery Solved!
PENTECOST -- The Untold Story
Answers to Questions in Lesson 13
1. c. various ancestries 2. Culture 3.
Pontus 4. Because he was born into a
family of Judean culture 5. Pharisees
6. No 7. Yes 8. the Judeans 9.
Babylon 10. Khazar Empire 11. mixed
12. carnally
You shall also
count for your-
Leviticus 23:15-16
selves from the
day after the Sab- Ferrar Fenton Version
bath that you bring Fenton (1832-1920), a
the Wave-sheaf, noted ancient Sanskrit,
seven Sabbaths. Hebrew, Greek and
They must be com- Latin scholar, spent 50
plete. Then after years on his translation
the seventh Sab- of the Bible. He looked
bath, you shall at no other version, only
count fifty days, the text in the original
when you shall languages.
present a new
offering to the
Day of Pentecost -- The Church in YEHOVAH’s Master Plan