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18 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 14
arrive in the wilderness of Sin? Exodus 16:1. the miracle of the manna in a Sabbath service.
COMMENT: In just three days after When the Sabbath was over YEHOVAH
Israel crossed the Red Sea from Piha-hiroth, they brought their words to pass.
went from ecstasy to bitterness -- the bitter 5. Did the manna begin the next
waters of Marah. After YEHOVAH God morning? Verses 8, 13-15. And did it continue
performed a miracle and made the water good to uninterrupted for six days? Verse 22. Then was
drink, the Israelites traveled on to Elim (Exodus there another SABBATH? Verse 23.
15:27) and then moved on to the wilderness of 6. What day of the LUNAR month Iyar
Sin. They arrived in the wilderness on the 15th was this?
DAY OF IYAR -- the day of the FULL MOON COMMENT: Refer to the calendar on
-- the fourth SABBATH after leaving Egypt. page 9. This was the 22ND DAY OF IYAR -- the
2. On what DAY of the LUNAR day of the LAST QUARTER OF THE MOON!
MONTH did they camp in the wilderness of Sin? The elapsed time as we follow Israel from
Again, Exodus 16:1. As we shall see, this was a encampment to encampment is firmly
SABBATH rest. Now a full four Sabbaths of the established, is it not? Both the fourth and fifth
seven Sabbaths had elapsed between the Days of SABBATHS after the Days of Unleavened
Unleavened Bread and the count leading up to Bread were spent in the Wilderness of Sin.
Pentecost, hadn’t they? 7. But even after the miracle of the
3. Did Moses have a message of manna did the people perceive that it was really
obedience to proclaim to Israel on this Sabbath YEHOVAH God Almighty Himself who led
Day? Exodus 16:4, 5. Did that message ONLY them? Exodus 17:2-4.
announce that YEHOVAH God would provide COMMENT: Israel didn’t “get the
them manna to eat? Or was it to set forth the point” because they did not have YEHOVAH’s
proof that YEHOVAH God Almighty was the holy spirit.
Creator and invisible Ruler and Lawgiver of Things got worse and worse after they
Israel? Notice verse 6 compared with verses left the Wilderness of Sin. This was the most
2-3, 8. desolate part of the desert. They had to make
COMMENT: Notice also that it was extra stops during the week for rest and to allow
against Moses and Aaron that Israel murmured the weaker members of the march to catch up.
when they said, “YE have brought us forth into Therefore Numbers 33:12 and 13 list their short
this wilderness ...." They had not yet understood journeys before the next regular SABBATH rest
that YEHOVAH God Almighty Himself was -- the 29TH DAY OF THE LUNAR MONTH --
their Leader -- the One to whom they could look the time of the NEW MOON! This is mentioned
for physical sustenance. in Exodus 17:1. Clearly, YEHOVAH God was
The SABBATH DAY is a memorial of showing the Israelites that His weekly Sabbath
creation. It identifies YEHOVAH God as the fell according to the phases of the moon and
One who has created everything. It is also a were thus determined by the LUNAR
TEST COMMANDMENT. YEHOVAH is here CALENDAR just like the Holy Days!
testing Israel to see whether they would obey 8. Did Amalek -- an ancient nation that
Him and keep His Law. dwelt in this desert area -- arrive for battle on this
4. Did Moses and Aaron say there would SIXTH Sabbath after Israel left Egypt? Exodus
be convincing proof after sundown? Verse 6. 17:8. And did the battle last all the next day,
Why after sundown? Because that SABBATH preventing any further movement of the children
ended at sundown. of Israel? Verses 9-12.
COMMENT: Moses and Aaron COMMENT: YEHOVAH wants us to
explained how YEHOVAH God would perform learn an important lesson from this experience
Day of Pentecost -- The Church in YEHOVAH’s Master Plan