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16 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 14
to complete their part in YEHOVAH’s plan and WHEN YESHUA THE MESSIAH (AND
become members of YEHOVAH’s own Family? YEHOVAH GOD HIMSELF) RETURN TO
Same verse. THIS EARTH!
COMMENT: The word “adoption” in Those consecrated people -- as well as
the eighth chapter of Romans is a woeful those which followed -- now compose the
mistranslation! Those who translated the King ONLY TRUE CHURCH OF YEHOVAH GOD!
James version of the Bible couldn’t understand
that YEHOVAH GOD INTENDS human beings YEHOVAH’s Law in Your Heart!
OWN FAMILY -- VERY SONS OF 1. Did the Messiah’s death -- the
YEHOVAH GOD! They mistranslated the shedding of his blood in our stead -- provide not
Greek word “sonship” as “adoption” BECAUSE only remission of sins but also a promise of
THE VITAL TRUTHS YOU ARE NOW eternal inheritance to those YEHOVAH is
LEARNING WERE HIDDEN FROM THEM! calling? Hebrews 9:15-17.
3. What other term does YEHOVAH use 2. Did Yeshua the Messiah -- our
to refer to the Christians He chose to receive the Passover sacrifice and High Priest -- become the
firstfruits of His spirit? Romans 8:33. Aren’t the mediator of a NEW COVENANT? Hebrews
elect the same people who were promised 9:15.
brotherhood with Yeshua the Messiah, and COMMENT: The Greek word
sonship in YEHOVAH’s family? Romans 8:29. “diatheke”, translated “testament,” means
4. These ELECT CHRISTIANS, the covenant or AGREEMENT, as well as a
firstfruits of YEHOVAH God, are those who TESTAMENT or a WILL.
had YEHOVAH’s spirit and understood His 3. Is the everlasting NEW COVENANT
Master Plan. Could these people be deceived, called “better”’ than the old? Hebrews 8:6. Why
misled, by Satan and his false ministers any is it better? Verse 7. Who was at fault in the Old
longer? Matthew 24:24. Covenant? Did YEHOVAH God fail to keep His
5. Because they were the firstfruits of part of the covenant, or did the people fail to
YEHOVAH’s harvest, did He go to special keep their promise to OBEY HIS LAW? Verse
lengths to see that they were spared from the 8.
terrible things which occurred to the Judean 4. What sort of covenant will YEHO-
nation following the Messiah’s death? Matthew VAH God make with Christians who are born
24:21, 22. again? Hebrews 8:10-12. Are those with whom
COMMENT: The firstfruits in YEHOVAH will make His NEW covenant also
YEHOVAH’s plan were sealed -- preserved -- called “ISRAEL”? Verse 10. Is YEHOVAH’s
by the holy spirit (Ephesians 1:13). The holy New Testament Church called “Israel”?
spirit which they received is called “the earnest Compare Galatians 6:16 with Romans
of our inheritance” (verse 14). In business terms 11:17-18.
the “earnest” refers to a VERY SMALL down COMMENT: YEHOVAH God is yet to
payment of money that is given to show GOOD make His New Covenant with Israel and Judah.
FAITH in a business deal. It is the guarantee that Not carnal Israel and Judah, but a
the full payment will be made LATER. SPIRITUALLY CONVERTED Israel and
YEHOVAH God gave the “earnest” of His spirit Judah. YEHOVAH is calling people out of this
to those called to be firstfruits. It was evil world. Whether “Gentile” or Israelite by
YEHOVAH’s GUARANTEE to the early birth, they become “the Israel of God" -- they are
Christians that they will receive the FULLNESS HIS TRUE CHURCH!
of His spirit, and SONSHIP IN HIS FAMILY 5. What are the conditions of the new
Day of Pentecost -- The Church in YEHOVAH’s Master Plan