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Lesson 27 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 11
5. Ten years after the Apostle Peter Obviously baptism is VERY IMPOR-
preached his first inspired sermon to the Judeans TANT to YEHOVAH God -- else He would not
in Jerusalem, YEHOVAH God sent him to have made it an absolute COMMAND!
preach the Gospel to the Gentiles. He was sent to
the house of Cornelius, a very devout Italian. But Only ONE True “Baptism”
Cornelius did not have saving knowledge. Peter
had to preach the FORGIVENESS OF SINS The world today is in great confusion
through the Messiah to Cornelius and his family regarding baptism. One panting, perspiring
(Acts 10:22, 30-33, 43). preacher “baptized” by dousing a group with a
Did they receive YEHOVAH’s spirit fire hose! Others “baptize” by sprinkling, and
BEFORE being baptized? Verses 44-45. Was some by pouring water over the heads of new
their receiving of the holy spirit before baptism a believers.
SPECIAL SIGN from YEHOVAH to the It is interesting to note that the word
apostles? Acts 11:17-18. “sprinkle” occurs only seven times in the New
COMMENT: YEHOVAH God made Testament, and always in connection with the
an exception in this instance. Repentant blood of the Messiah -- NEVER referring to
believers ordinarily have to be baptized FIRST, baptism!
before they can receive the holy spirit (Acts The word “pouring” is mentioned
2:38). But since Cornelius and his family were several times in the New Testament -- but NOT
the FIRST GENTILES to be called of ONCE as a form of baptism!
YEHOVAH God and converted, YEHOVAH Notice what the Catholic Encyclopedia
gave them the holy spirit before baptism as a admits regarding baptism: “The most ancient
SPECIAL SIGN to prove to Peter and the other form usually employed was unquestionably
apostles that He had also opened the way of the Latin Church immersion
salvation to the GENTILES! seems to have prevailed until the twelfth
6. Did Peter immediately command that century. After that time, it is found in some
Cornelius and his family be baptized? Acts places as late as the 16th century. Infusion and
10:47-48. aspersion [pouring and sprinkling] were
COMMENT: The true Gospel or growing common in the 14th century and
GOOD NEWS that the Messiah commanded his gradually prevailed in the Western Church"
Church to preach is not just a message about the (article “Baptism”).
PERSON of the Messiah -- it is the very message It is quite plain that sprinkling and
HE was commissioned to preached -- the good pouring were late innovations of mere MEN!
news of the coming Kingdom or Government of The first recorded case of a professing
YEHOVAH God! Christian being sprinkled was that of Novatian,
One must hear and BELIEVE the true who lived at Rome in the middle of the third
Gospel before being baptized (Mark 1:14-15). century after the Messiah. Of him even
The Messiah’s Gospel includes not only Eusebius, a Catholic historian in the days of
believing on him as our personal Savior, but also Emperor Constantine, wrote: “...And being
as our coming HIGH PRIEST and king in the supposed at the point of death [Novatian] was
Kingdom of YEHOVAH God. Those who baptized by sprinkling, in the bed on which he
believe the true Gospel, accept the Messiah as lay; if, indeed it be proper to say that one like
their Savior, repent of their sins, and are him did receive baptism" (Ecclesiastical
BAPTIZED are the ones who will be SAVED -- History, Bk. VI, Chap. 43).
born again to inherit the Kingdom of Notice that sprinkling even then was
YEHOVAH God (Mark 16:15-16). NOT considered a valid form of baptism! The
The Meaning of Baptism