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14 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 27
watery “grave” pictures (Romans 6:5). COMMENT: The inspired Greek
Baptism clearly signifies that our selfish, expression for “in the name of” means “by the
vain and sinful self HAS TO DIE. It shows our AUTHORITY of.” If you do anything in the
realization of our own sins, our vanities, our name of another, you do it with or BY THAT
wretchedness. It is an OUTWARD ACKNOW- PERSON’S AUTHORITY -- by his express
LEDGEMENT of our realization that the old
self must die in order that we might rise again to
live -- this time really live -- by YEHOVAH’s
laws and commandments (verse 6).
Sin is the transgression of YEHOVAH
God’s Law (I John 3:4). Baptism shows our
willingness to BURY sin, and the old sinful man,
and to walk in NEWNESS of life, obedient to
YEHOVAH God and His laws through the
POWER of YEHOVAH’s spirit which He
promises to give us after baptism!
Baptism, in the final analysis, SHOWS
GOD. It symbolizes the complete burial of the
old self and our beginning a new life surrendered
to the will and authority of YEHOVAH God.
surrender to His rule, His authority over our
lives. Baptism is the SYMBOL of OUR
GOD, no matter what He commands!
Have YOU really surrendered your will
and your ENTIRE LIFE to YEHOVAH God?
“In the NAME of Jesus Christ” AN UNUSUAL BAPTISM -- Is this a semi-
immersion? a cross between a full immersion
Should a person be baptized “in the and a “pouring”?! This is not a baptism and
NAME of Yeshua the Messiah”? Exactly what certainly is not pleasing to YEHOVAH God.
does this phrase mean?
1. Did Yeshua baptize more disciples PERMISSION.
than John? John 3:22 and 4:1. But did he Yeshua’s disciples did the baptizing “in
actually perform the baptisms himself? John Jesus’ name” -- that is, in his stead, FOR him,
4:2. Then who did the baptizing? Same verse. BY HIS AUTHORITY -- and that was consider-
COMMENT: Yeshua did not actually ed just the same as if Yeshua had actually done it
do the physical work of baptizing these people. himself.
He had HIS DISCIPLES do it FOR HIM -- IN 3. Are YEHOVAH’s true ministers
HIS STEAD! today commanded to do ALL things in the
2. Did the apostles baptize repentant NAME of the Messiah? Colossians 3:17.
believers in the Messiah’s NAME? Acts COMMENT: Baptism, when perform-
2:37-38, 41. ed by YEHOVAH’s ministers, is therefore
The Meaning of Baptism