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Lesson 27 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 15
always done “in the NAME of Jesus Christ” -- YEHOVAH GOD, we become “God’s-sons,”
that is, by his AUTHORITY! SONS OF YEHOVAH GOD, though not yet
born of Him. We bear the same FAMILY
Baptized “Into” What? NAME!
Therefore, when we are baptized “into”
1. What further instruction does the the name of the Father, Son, and holy spirit, and
Messiah give his ministers concerning baptism? receive YEHOVAH’s spirit, we automatically
Matthew 28:19. become SPIRIT-BEGOTTEN MEMBERS OF
COMMENT: Many have misunder- THE GOD FAMILY!
stood this important scripture. Let’s understand
exactly what it means. Why Baptism Is Necessary
In Matthew 28:19 the original Greek
word translated “in” is “eis”, and actually means 1. Did Yeshua promise his disciples the
“into.” Therefore, this verse should be “baptism” of the holy spirit? Acts 1:5. When did
translated, “...baptizing them INTO THE the holy spirit finally come? Acts 2:1, 4.
NAME of the Father, and of the Son, and of the COMMENT: On this day of Pentecost,
holy spirit." 31 A.D., YEHOVAH God began His spiritual
In other words, when a person is baptized Church (Ecclesia) on earth by putting the holy
and receives YEHOVAH’s spirit, he becomes spirit WITHIN His disciples.
the begotten SON of YEHOVAH God -- 2. Is YEHOVAH’s true Ecclesia actually
YEHOVAH God places HIS OWN NAME on the “BODY” of the Messiah? I Corinthians
the newly baptized believer! He now carries the 12:12, 27 and Colossians 1:18.
name of YEHOVAH GOD. He belongs to 3. HOW do we become MEMBERS of
YEHOVAH God. He is YEHOVAH’s SON! that body -- the true Ecclesia? Can we join it? Or
This scripture simply means we are must we be PUT “into” it by YEHOVAH’s
baptized or immersed INTO the DIVINE spirit? I Corinthians 12:13.
FAMILY NAME CALLED “GOD”! And it is COMMENT: In Romans 8:9, Paul tells
done “in the name” -- by the AUTHORITY -- us plainly that unless the spirit of the Messiah
“OF Jesus Christ.” dwells within us, we do not belong to him. We
At present, the literal spiritual Family of become the Messiah’s, then, only when the holy
YEHOVAH God consists only of the Father and spirit comes into us!
the Son, Yeshua the Messiah. The holy spirit is Each MEMBER of the Messiah’s
the divine nature and power of the God Family -- “body” -- his Ecclesia -- is joined to the other by
not a “third person” as some erroneously the common bond of YEHOVAH’s holy spirit
assume. residing in them. So when we become the
2. Are spirit-begotten Christians plainly Messiah’s by receiving his spirit, we are then put
called “sons of God” in the Bible? Romans 8:14 “into” his body -- the Ecclesia of YEHOVAH
and I John 3:1. God -- BY THE HOLY SPIRIT which origi-
COMMENT: Our receiving of the holy nates with the Father!
spirit following baptism merely BEGETS US as Just being physically baptized in water
the “sons of God.” But we shall ULTIMATELY does not put us into YEHOVAH’s true spirit-led
become YEHOVAH’s BORN sons at the Ecclesia. You must be put into the Ecclesia BY
A human being is named after his human VAH determines who are the true members
father -- carries the same SURNAME as his (those who have truly repented) by placing His
father. If we become begotten children of spirit within them. Unless YEHOVAH gives a
The Meaning of Baptism