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Lesson 27 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 17
very day. However, the Bible shows Yeshua did commands baptism, knows that he SHOULD be
not go to Paradise that day. He went to the baptized, and his conscience convicts him --
GRAVE! (I Corinthians 15:3-4; Mark THEN HE SHOULD BE BAPTIZED!
15:44-46.) Old age makes no difference with
The Companion Bible states, “The YEHOVAH God. Circumstances make no
interpretation of this verse depends entirely on difference. The truth is, there is NO EXCUSE
punctuation, which rests wholly on human for not being baptized when a person
authority, the Greek manuscripts having no UNDERSTANDS this vital, urgent spiritual
punctuation of any kind TILL THE NINTH truth.
CENTURY, and then it is only a dot (in the But WHEN should a person be baptized?
middle of the line) separating each word" 1. When the Ethiopian eunuch learned
(Appendix 173). the truth of YEHOVAH God, and came to
The truth is that the thief was UNABLE understand the Messiah was his Savior, did he
to be baptized. Since baptism is NOT the thing hesitate about being baptized? Did he put it off?
which saves us, or gives us eternal life, he did not Acts 8:35-38.
lose salvation because of circumstances beyond 2. When Paul was first converted, and
his control. YEHOVAH makes allowances for learned THE MESSIAH is the firstborn Son of
such cases. But YEHOVAH GOD COM- YEHOVAH God, whom he had been
MANDS water baptism for all who are able. If a persecuting, did he procrastinate about being
person deliberately ignores, rejects, defies or baptized? Acts 9:16-18.
refuses this Biblical command, this would be an COMMENT: Neither of these men put
act of disobedience to YEHOVAH God; and off water baptism. They saw their own personal
unless repented of, would cause loss of need. They knew they NEEDED the Messiah as
salvation. their Savior and NEEDED their sins covered by
We need not worry about the thief on the his shed blood. They felt dirty and despicable
tree, or anyone utterly UNABLE TO be before YEHOVAH God, as long as they stood
baptized. We do need to be very MUCH before him in their sins. They knew they were
concerned, however, about obeying YEHO- the SLAVES of sin, and did not have
VAH’s plain command when we ARE ABLE! YEHOVAH’s holy spirit dwelling within them.
Therefore, AS SOON AS WAS POS-
Many put off baptism. They feel they are Only ONE WAY to Salvation
too infirm, too old, too weak -- or they feel they
are “not ready” yet SPIRITUALLY. Some think How clear it is. Mere “acceptance” of the
they must be PERFECT BEFORE being Messiah is not enough. Mere profession of him
baptized! won’t save anyone! Merely “believing” on him,
What misunderstanding of the inspired the Scriptures show, won’t save you.
Word of YEHOVAH God! Much more is needed! Belief on the
How could a person be “perfect” Messiah is only the BEGINNING.
BEFORE he has received YEHOVAH’s holy One must also believe the gospel
spirit, which helps us to BECOME perfect? message -- the GOOD NEWS of the world to
The truth is, NONE of these excuses is come -- which he preached!
any good in YEHOVAH’s sight. There is NO In addition to believing on the Messiah,
EXCUSE! If a person KNOWS enough about and believing the Gospel he brought, one must
YEHOVAH’s Plan, KNOWS that YEHOVAH also come to see his own SINS and his rotten
The Meaning of Baptism