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12 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 27
Catholic Church had ruled that “It was unlawful river. Had sprinkling or pouring been the proper
that one who had been sprinkled...should enter method of baptism, Philip would have only
into any order of the clergy..." (ibid). needed to bend over and scoop up the water in
The word “baptize” is not an English his hands.
word. It is a Greek word. The New Testament 4. How many methods of “baptism” are
was written in the Greek language. In translating acceptable to YEHOVAH God? Ephesians
the Bible into English, the translators left this 4:4-6.
word untranslated. Literally, in the Greek, the COMMENT: The Apostle Paul was
word is “baptizo”. The definition is “immerse.” inspired to write and explain that there is but
It means to “plunge into” or “put into.” It DOES “ONE BAPTISM” -- not several different modes
NOT MEAN “to sprinkle” or “to pour.” The which may be practiced. Just ONE! YEHOVAH
Greek word for “sprinkle” is “rantidzo” and “to God did not leave it up to men to invent or devise
pour” is “cheo” in Greek. The holy spirit their own modes of baptism, attaching the name
inspired only the use of the word “baptizo”, of the Messiah to them. According to the
meaning to immerse, when referring to divinely inspired Word of YEHOVAH God,
BAPTISM! there is ONLY ONE proper method or mode of
Therefore, sprinkling or pouring are baptism! Any other method devised by man is
being placed completely down under water -- IS! Word, and is NOT VALID!
Baptism symbolizes the BURIAL of the old The Bible, the Greek language itself, and
carnal self. Sprinkling or pouring -- or dousing the admissions of Catholic historians, all
with a fire hose -- are NOT symbolic of a PROVE that complete immersion -- being
Let’s notice what the Bible itself teaches
concerning the proper mode or method of
1. Why was John baptizing IN Aenon
near Jerusalem? John 3:23.
COMMENT: John would have needed
only a cup full of water to sprinkle, or a pitcher
full to pour -- but BAPTIZING requires
“MUCH water."
2. How does the baptism of the Messiah
prove that he was IMMERSED? Matthew 3:16.
COMMENT: Yeshua had to be put
DOWN INTO the water, for he “went up
straightway out of the water...." It is ridiculous to
think he could have come “up...out” of a sprinkle
or a pour!
“Christening” -- This baby is oblivious to the
3. When Philip baptized the eunuch, did
ceremony taking place. But was this “baptism”
they both go INTO the water? Acts 8:38.
valid in YEHOVAH’s sight?
COMMENT: There was no purpose
whatever for Philip to actually go INTO the placed COMPLETELY UNDER WATER --
water, except for the reason there was no other was the only method of baptism practiced by the
way he could PLUNGE the eunuch INTO the
The Meaning of Baptism