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4 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 29

Yes, most of you have heard MAN’S Gospel Revealed to King David
gospel about the PERSON of the Messiah, and
Before the Messiah was even born,
YEHOVAH GOD told David, in Psalm 2, of the
Messiah’s destiny: “...I have installed My king
on Zion, My holy mountain...and I will make the
nations your domain; your estate, the limits of
the earth” (Psalm 2:6, 8).
Also, in Psalm 110, “The LORD will
stretch forth from Zion your mighty scepter;
hold sway over your are a priest
forever, a rightful king by My decree” (Psalm
110:2, 4).
These inspired messages from YEHO-
VAH God revealed to King David important
truths of which this world is in TOTAL
IGNORANCE! He revealed that the MESSIAH
would some day take over an actual throne -- an
DAVID! History and prophecy both prove that
David’s throne is in existence TODAY --
awaiting the Messiah’s return!
The Old Testament also foretold the
Messiah was to rule over the HOUSE OF
JACOB FOREVER. It does not say “reign
Messages about the person of the Messiah have spiritually, invisibly, in the hearts of believers."
brought reproach on Yeshua’s true Gospel of the It says “reign over the house of Jacob” -- A
Kingdom. LITERAL NATION. The Messiah is to rule
from an actual EARTHLY throne!
MAN’S sentimental theories about a so-called
“kingdom” to be set up in your “heart.” But Yeshua Preached the True Gospel of the
spiritual TRUTH does NOT proceed from Kingdom
human ideas and reason; it comes as a DIVINE
REVELATION from YEHOVAH God. It is Yeshua himself preached throughout his
contained in His Word -- the Bible! entire ministry “the gospel of the KINGDOM"
Your BIBLE reveals YEHOVAH’s (Matthew 9:35) -- the GOOD NEWS OF
LITERAL KINGDOM which will rule THIS RULE. The apostles knew that YEHOVAH
EARTH. But WHO is to be the KING of that would return and bring this present “world” (the
Kingdom? WHAT are its LAWS? WHEN will it inspired Greek word means “age”) to an end by
take over the RULE of this earth? establishing His Kingdom over all nations. They
As you study this introduction -- and the also asked Yeshua for details about his coming
questions to follow -- KEEP THESE QUES- just before that of YEHOVAH God’s: “What
TIONS IN MIND. The answers are found in shall be the sign of Thy coming and of the end of
YOUR BIBLE! the world?" -- “the end of this AGE” (Matthew

What Do You Mean -- “The Kingdom of YEHOVAH God”?
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