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Lesson 29 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 7
6. Where does JEREMIAH say the the AGENCY of Messiah, as we know from
throne of this Kingdom will be located? other passages in the Bible.
Jeremiah 3:17. Also notice Zechariah 8:23. 13. Read, now, Isaiah 63:1-6. Compare
7. Notice who Isaiah prophesied would this passage with Revelation 19:11-16. Isn’t this
rule under YEHOVAH God. Isaiah 11:1-4. talking about the same event -- and the SAME
Who is the “STEM of Jesse”? Acts 13:22. Isn’t it person, YEHOVAH God?
David? Then isn’t the rod or shoot Yeshua the 14. Read Isaiah 24:1, 14-15, 21-23 and
Messiah? Verse 23. Ezekiel 34:11-13, 15.
8. Did Zechariah foresee a time when COMMENT: Too often Christians
YEHOVAH God Himself would dwell in our allow themselves to hastily run through such
midst and rule over the earth? Zechariah texts, all the while assuming that when the
2:10-11. prophets speak of YEHOVAH Himself acting in
9. Zechariah 14 is perhaps the most basic such decisive ways they actually refer to the
chapter in the Old Testament on this subject. Messiah. How often have you heard preachers
Zechariah 14:1-4, 5, 9, 16. Note the language and ministers say “When Jesus returns, his feet
carefully. will stand on the Mount of Olives.” This is
COMMENT: There are a number of careless exegesis and a gross distortion of the
remarkable features in this prophecy. Despite Bible. As one can CLEARLY see, through a
what Christians so often assume, THERE IS NO CAREFUL reading of all these texts, the
MENTION WHATSOEVER OF THE MESSI- prophets always maintain a sharp distinction
AH IN THIS CHAPTER. YEHOVAH Himself between the dramatic appearance of
appears, directly intervenes, and becomes King YEHOVAH God and the rule of the Messiah.
over all the earth. The entire focus of the text is The two are obviously related, since the Messiah
upon YEHOVAH God. acts as YEHOVAH’s chief agent, but they are
10. What, then, is the roll of the Messiah? nonetheless NOT to be confused.
Isaiah 40:3-5. 15. From our study, don’t we find that
COMMENT: The roll of the Messiah is the Old Testament PROPHETS and
to “prepare the way for YEHOVAH.” This we EVANGELISTS ALL AGREE in telling us that
see mentioned in Revelation 14:14-16. YEHOVAH God will intervene in human affairs
11. Notice Isaiah 40:3-5 and Isaiah and establish His government -- His Kingdom --
40:9-11. here on earth with the agency of the Messiah?
COMMENT: Constantly the Old Testa- Does YEHOVAH’s basic purpose ever change?
ment prophets make it clear that YEHOVAH Malachi 3:6. How about the Messiah? Hebrews
God Himself will intervene, acting personally 13:8.
and directly, to punish the wicked and RULE as COMMENT: We have now seen that
King over all nations. YEHOVAH constantly YEHOVAH God, through many inspired Old
calls Himself the Savior, Redeemer, Shepherd, Testament prophets, gave ADVANCE notice to
and King -- BESIDE WHOM THERE IS NO the world of the coming Kingdom of YEHO-
OTHER! VAH God on this earth. But in addition to this,
12. Now read Isaiah 52:7-8, 10. He also commissioned the Messiah as His
COMMENT: Notice that these SPECIAL MESSENGER to proclaim the AD-
passages speak of “good news.” This is, indeed, VANCE news of this same glorious event. And
the TRUE Biblical Gospel -- the GOOD NEWS YEHOVAH God commissioned still OTHER
of the coming reign of YEHOVAH God on this MESSENGERS to proclaim the same GOOD
earth, the “Gospel of the Kingdom of YEHO- NEWS or GOSPEL to us who live IN THESE
VAH God.” The message includes, of course, END TIMES! Let’s understand.
What Do You Mean -- “The Kingdom of YEHOVAH God”?