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8 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 29
The Messiah -- the Special Messenger HE PROCLAIMED -- THE GOSPEL OF THE
1. Was Yeshua the Messiah commis- 7. What does the expression in Mark
sioned by YEHOVAH God to proclaim a 1:15, “the Kingdom of God is AT HAND,"
specific MESSAGE? John 12:49; 14:24. mean? Remember, the gospel of the Kingdom
2. From WHERE was the Messiah sent? which Yeshua preached was NOT a message
Mark 1:9-11. WHO commissioned him? Verse about restoring self-rule to the people in
11. Palestine 2000 years ago. How do we know?
3. To WHOM was he sent? John 1:11. Let’s read on.
COMMENT: The Messiah was sent 8. When the Judeans WANTED to make
primarily to “His own” nation -- the Judeans Yeshua their king, what did he do? John 6:15.
(descendants of Judah) -- with his Father’s When the disciples asked if Yeshua would
message of the Gospel CONCERNING THE restore the Kingdom then, what was his reply?
COMING OF THE KINGDOM OF YEHO- Acts 1:6-7. Did Yeshua deny the Kingdom
VAH GOD. Later, however, the Messiah would be of that age? -- did he not rather imply it
prophesied that his disciples would PROCLAIM would be of A FUTURE AGE? John 18:36. The
THE MESSAGE TO THE WHOLE WORLD Greek word used here for “world” is “cosmos,”
(Matthew 24:14). that is, the system of the age of MAN’S WAY.
4. In the first sermon TO GENTILES, The meaning of Mark 1:15 is that THE TIME IS
Peter tells more which verifies what we have “AT HAND” FOR US TO REPENT SO WE
learned, and adds to our knowledge about this CAN QUALIFY TO ENTER YEHOVAH’S
New Testament message. Read Acts 10:36-37 KINGDOM.
and answer these questions: (1) Who sent this COMMENT: The word “GOSPEL”
word, or message? (2) To whom was it sent MEANS “GOOD NEWS,” or “Glad Tidings."
FIRST -- to Gentiles? (3) By whom was it You are now reading of the “Glad Tidings” of
preached? (4) Where was it published or the Kingdom! YEHOVAH God knows far more
preached? (5) Where did the Messiah begin than WE can realize, what a joyous place it will
preaching it? (6) When did this message first be! FOUR THINGS ARE NECESSARY TO
5. Read Mark 1:14-15. (1) WHEN did TORY of a (2) KING or ruler, over (3) SUB-
this Message begin? (2) Who preached it? (3) JECTS or citizens, with (4) LAWS and govern-
From WHERE did he begin preaching it? (4) ment. Therefore we might define the true Gospel
WHAT WAS THE MESSAGE, sent from as “the GOOD NEWS of the TERRITORY of a
YEHOVAH God, that he preached? KING ruling over SUBJECTS with LAWS and
6. In Mark 1, compare verse 1 with government."
verse 14. Is the gospel OF Yeshua the Messiah The true Gospel, therefore, includes the
the very gospel he preached? -- the news of the message ABOUT YEHOVAH God who is the
coming of the Kingdom of YEHOVAH God? King. YEHOVAH God, when He comes, will
Then it is NOT PRIMARILY A MESSAGE become the Supreme Ruler over ALL nations,
ABOUT HIMSELF PERSONALLY, is it? ruling them by His own Laws. And the Messiah
COMMENT: Few know what “the will be a High Priest and king under Him.
gospel OF Christ” really is! People today are Hebrews 6:20, Zechariah 6:12-13. And the
taught in the churches that the “gospel of Christ" true Gospel also includes the message of
concerns only the EVENTS in the life of the SALVATION by which one can become a
Messiah, and of his being our Savior. THEY member of the ruling SPIRITUAL Kingdom of
What Do You Mean -- “The Kingdom of YEHOVAH God”?