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Lesson 29 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 9
Apostles Continue the Message movement of MEN’S churches to band
themselves together for mutual protection!
1. Did YESHUA COMMAND HIS You have now seen that the gospel
MINISTERS TO PREACH this same gospel? MESSAGE is proclaimed from one end of your
Luke 9:1-2. As the apostles went to the nations, Bible to the other. It is not some vague idea of
were they to teach the SAME MESSAGE uninspired men, but has been proclaimed “by the
Yeshua had taught them? Matthew 28:19-20. mouth of all his holy prophets since the world
2. Did PHILIP, the evangelist, preach the began" (Acts 3:21). It is the WORLD’S ONLY
gospel of the Kingdom to the Gentile Samari- HOPE FOR PEACE!
tans? Acts 8:12. Let us REJOICE in this GOOD NEWS!
3. Did PAUL preach the gospel of the The next vital part of this lesson will
Kingdom? Acts 19:8 and 14:22. Among the reveal WHEN Yeshua the Messiah will appear
Gentiles in Ephesus, what gospel did Paul to prepare the way for the perfect RULE OF
preach? Acts 20:25. What gospel did the THE KINGDOM OF YEHOVAH GOD on this
Judeans at Rome finally reject? Acts 28:23-24. earth. Let’s understand this all-important truth.
Also READ verses 25-29.
4. Following the Judeans’ rejection of When Will the Messiah Come?
the gospel, did Paul preach the SAME GOSPEL
TO THE GENTILES? Verses 28, 31; Isaiah THE agnostic or the atheist may ridicule
42:1. Then Paul preached ONLY ONE GOS- the teachings of Yeshua the Messiah. But he
PEL, the gospel of the Kingdom of YEHOVAH cannot deny that YESHUA EXISTED over 1900
God -- to both Judeans and Gentiles, didn’t he? years ago!
5. Would FALSE MINISTERS attempt It is one of the most conclusively
to preach “DIFFERENT” GOSPELS -- other PROVED facts of history. (A soon-coming
gospels instead of the true gospel of the lesson will reveal the irrefutable proof!)
Messiah? Galatians 1:6. How many gospels are Yet what few realize is that YESHUA
right, besides the ONE which Paul preached? PROMISED, “I WILL COME AGAIN!" (John
Galatians 1:8. Are these other gospels actually
PERVERSIONS of the gospel of the Kingdom
proclaimed by the Messiah? Galatians 1:7.
6. Since there are FALSE MINISTERS
TODAY, wouldn’t they therefore be PER-
the real territory, the rulers, the citizens, the
laws, or the government of the Kingdom of
A depiction of
7. What gospel is to be preached and
the Messiah’s
published TODAY? Matthew 24:14; Mark
ascension to
heaven. Folio
COMMENT: The preachers, as a
13v of the Rab-
whole, in these dark days do NOT preach the
ula Gospels
gospel of the imminent establishment of
YEHOVAH God’s PERSONAL control over
6th century
the earth and the preparation which we should
make in view of this. Rather, their energies are
occupied with the “Ecumenical Movement” -- a
What Do You Mean -- “The Kingdom of YEHOVAH God”?