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Lesson 31 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 21
20. Does the Almighty, Eternal, Creator of PLIABLE CLAY in the hands of the Master
God -- who is rightly able to evaluate -- consider Potter!
that He is INCOMPREHENSIBLY FAR 3. Are spirit-led Christians being
ABOVE man’s PUNY capabilities and accom- fashioned by YEHOVAH God for a SPECIFIC
plishments? Isaiah 40:17-18. purpose? Isaiah 43:7 and Ephesians 2:10.
Should we be thankful that YEHOVAH COMMENT: The word “WE” in New
God even considers us at all? Psalm 8:3-4. Testament language refers to spirit-directed
Just how does man, in his present form, CHRISTIANS. WE, then -- if we are YEHO-
really stand in COMPARISON to YEHOVAH VAH’s children -- are YEHOVAH’s WORK-
God Almighty? Daniel 4:35. MANSHIP. Yes, we are “created” -- NOW
YEHOVAH Imparts His Attributes to US! -- unto a perfect SPIRITUAL CHARACTER
which can perform wonderful good works.
Incredible as it may sound, YEHOVAH So what YEHOVAH God is actually
God will actually IMPART His spiritual creating in spirit directed humans is the SU-
attributes to YOU and ME! PREME MASTERPIECE of all His works of
YEHOVAH’s great and wonderful creation! He is in the process of creating millions
PURPOSE for our existence is revealed in the -- yes, BILLIONS -- of what will become PER-
Bible. YEHOVAH’s plan is to create perfect FECT, SPIRIT-BORN SONS OF YEHOVAH
mankind -- literal BORN Sons of YEHOVAH’s 4. How readily will YEHOVAH GIVE
Family! us His holy spirit today? Luke 11:10-13. But are
Man’s creation in the Garden of Eden there PRIOR CONDITIONS to receiving it?
was complete only in the PHYSICAL sense. He Acts 2:38 and 5:32. These CONDITIONS are
was created a perfect physical specimen -- but EXTREMELY IMPORTANT TO REMEM-
NOT a perfect SPIRITUAL creation! He was BER!
created WITHOUT the divine SPIRITUAL COMMENT: YEHOVAH is creating
POWER which YEHOVAH God has made His supreme masterpiece by two distinct steps:
available to all mankind -- the power to man, the clay material creation (Genesis 1), is
ACCOMPLISH His purpose in us! only the FIRST phase of what is to become
Here’s a glimpse of the spiritual creation YEHOVAH’s finished SPIRITUAL creation.
YEHOVAH wants to produce in you. And For man, the CLAY MODEL, has to be
here’s how you CAN RECEIVE the very attri- fashioned and molded by EXPERIENCE and
butes and power of YEHOVAH God! with the AID of YEHOVAH’S HOLY SPIRIT,
1. Is YEHOVAH still in the PROCESS into the finished SPIRITUAL masterpiece of all
of forming and molding man as a potter works YEHOVAH’s creation!
with clay? Isaiah 64:8. But before the second phase of man’s
2. Did Job realize YEHOVAH was creation -- his spiritual growth -- begins, YE-
forming a SPECIAL CREATION in his life? HALVAH God the Father must FIRST BEGET
Job 14:14-15. us by placing His holy spirit WITHIN us. We are
COMMENT: Notice especially the then IMPREGNATED, so to speak, by the
latter part of Job 14:15: “THOU WILT HAVE “seed” or germ of ETERNAL life (I Peter 1:23).
HANDS.” The “work” was JOB! Job knew he God within our minds! We then may be com-
was merely a piece of divine WORKMANSHIP pared to a newly begotten fetus in its mother’s
in the hands of the active Creator. Merely a piece womb which BEGINS TO GROW!
How Do You Know YEHOVAH God Exists?