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16 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 31
Those things which have not always YEHOVAH God Is CREATOR and
existed require a creator. But things which have SUSTAINER
always existed need no creator.
The material universe was created at a 1. Is YEHOVAH’s spirit also the spirit of
DEFINITE TIME in the past. Both science and GREAT POWER? Genesis 1:1-3 and Jeremiah
scripture are firm on this point. Therefore the 32:17.
creation is temporal and had a creator. SINCE COMMENT: It was by the spirit of
TOR IS TEMPORAL, THEN HE MUST BE created and later RE-fashioned our earth, as
ETERNAL! He could not have had a beginning shown in the first chapter of Genesis.
of days! The holy spirit is the very POWER of
NAL! creative will of the God Family. It TRANS-
FORMED spirit energy from YEHOVAH God
YEHOVAH God Is Spirit into the material world we see about us
(Hebrews 11:3).
1. YEHOVAH God has already shown The holy spirit OF YEHOVAH God may
us that He has a body (Revelation 1:13-16). But be compared to a TOOL or MACHINE. A tool
what does YEHOVAH say He is COMPOSED serves man in making things. The holy spirit
of? John 4:24. serves this same purpose for YEHOVAH God.
COMMENT: Now we see one of the But spirit is capable of infinite work -- never
great DIFFERENCES between YEHOVAH running down because of dissipation or friction.
God and man. YEHOVAH is composed of And YEHOVAH’s divine spirit fills the uni-
invisible spirit. Man is but mortal flesh and verse. (Psalm 139:7; Jeremiah 23:24). How
blood -- composed of the earth (I Corinthians clear it is that the holy spirit is NOT a THIRD
15:47) PERSON of the Godhead as taught by the pagan
Let’s notice another great difference “trinity” idea!
between YEHOVAH God and man. When we speak of the holy spirit, many
2. What is YEHOVAH’s characteristic cannot understand what it is because spiritual
ATTITUDE? Psalm 99:9. qualities and entities seem so unreal to most
COMMENT: The word “holy” means people. And no wonder. Spiritual things are
PURE OF HEART or free from sin. Since INVISIBLE, not discerned by the physical
YEHOVAH is composed of SPIRIT and has this senses. They must be REVEALED in writing in
holy attitude, it is correct to call YEHOVAH a the BIBLE!
“Holy Spirit.” YEHOVAH God is the very Only the Bible makes clear the nature of
PERSONIFICATION of THE holy spirit. the holy spirit. Man is matter. YEHOVAH God
3. Is there anyone who is as Holy as is invisible spirit. And spirit, unlike mortal man,
YEHOVAH God? I Samuel 2:2. is ETERNAL (I Corinthians 15:53).
COMMENT: Since BOTH the Father 2. How did YEHOVAH God utilize His
and the Messiah constitute the Family of God -- spirit of power to fashion His various creations?
both INDIVIDUALLY have the holy spirit. The Psalm 148:5. Notice the word “commanded.”
HOLY SPIRIT is the ONE harmonious, perfect Read also verses 1-4; Psalm 33:8-9 and Genesis
HOLY ATTITUDE OF MIND which is shared 1:2-3.
by both Father and Son. This spirit or attitude of
Hope of Israel Ministries -- Taking
mind is called the holy spirit! There is but ONE
PERFECT spirit! (Ephesians 4:4.) the Lead in the Search for Truth!
How Do You Know YEHOVAH God Exists?