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14 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 31
and YEHOVAH God the Father
will finally come down to this
earth after it is purified.
Revelation 21 and 22 describe
this wonderful event. A dis-
cussion of this marvelous
occurrence will be taken up in
later lessons.
God dwell in a TEMPLE on
spiritual Mount Zion? Psalm
11:4. And upon what does He
sit? Same verse.
COMMENT: Did you
know that YEHOVAH’s Plan is
Distant view of Jerusalem from Mount of Olives. City is a physical
DUAL? In the third heaven
reminder of the “heavenly Jerusalem” located in the “third
exists the heavenly City of
heaven” of YEHOVAH’s throne.
Jerusalem. Also the HEAVEN-
LY Mount Zion, the mount on
YEHOVAH God will stand (Micah 4:1-2).
which the temple of the “Jerusalem above" is
The EARTHLY, temporal city and
mount are plainly physical TYPES of
the heavenly mount and city which are
SPIRITUAL. These physical types are
but a few of the many earthly RE-
MINDERS of heavenly things so
important for us to be aware of!
6. Will we be able to SEE
spiritual objects when we are BORN
of YEHOVAH God -- transformed at
the resurrection into spirit beings? I
John 3:2.
What Does YEHOVAH God Look
Most people think it is
View of Gemini 7 spacecraft as seen from Gemini 6 during impossible to know what YEHOVAH
historic rendezvous in the edge of the “second heaven.” really looks like. But YEHOVAH
Clouds below are in atmosphere of the “first heaven.” HAS made it possible. And the
description is contained in your Bible!
Now in Palestine today exists the The Father will now become more
EARTHLY city of Jerusalem. And there has REAL and PERSONAL to you than ever before!
been, and is to be, an EARTHLY “Mount Zion” Here are the details:
-- the southeast ridge of the earthly city of 1. Has any human being ever SEEN the
Jerusalem on which the millennial temple of Father’s shape (aside from His Shekinah Glory)?
How Do You Know YEHOVAH God Exists?