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P. 17
Lesson 31 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 17
COMMENT: YEHOVAH God the ALREADY EXISTING food material into
Father ”SPAKE AND IT WAS DONE." He is ADDITIONAL bread and fish. On another
the One who said, “Let there be light” -- and the occasion, Yeshua was also able to still the waves
spirit of YEHOVAH God, moving over the face of a roaring sea by the spirit energy which the
of the waters PERFORMED the command, and Father supplied (Matthew 8:23-27).
“there was light” -- INSTANTLY! The holy YEHOVAH God WILLS and SPEAKS
spirit is a miracle-working power! His will, and HIS SPIRIT ACTS on any and all
3. Is this method still being used in New things He has created. All nature obeys His will!
Testament times -- HOW did the Messiah We do not understand, and YEHOVAH does not
“make” enough bread and fish out of “five reveal, the exact mechanism. But He does reveal
loaves and two fishes" to feed five thousand enough of the GENERAL PROCESS. And we
people? Matthew 14:15-21. Did he merely do have historical and scientific PROOF that all
SPEAK WORDS to YEHOVAH God? Verse nature is obedient to Him. The Messiah’s
19. What does YEHOVAH say to those who do miracles are also PROOF of this.
not think He can create things this way? Isaiah 4. Does YEHOVAH also use His spirit
55:8-9. of power to SUSTAIN and RULE His vast
COMMENT: When YEHOVAH God heavenly and earthly creation? Nehemiah 9:6;
originally created the earth and the heavens, NO Hebrews 1:2-3 and Psalm 66:7.
MATTER existed. He willed that spirit COMMENT: YEHOVAH sits at the
ENERGY from Himself be TRANSFORMED controls of the entire universe -- He rules and
into physical energy and matter. sustains everything by the POWER of His holy
Planets are held in orbit around the sun by inexorable laws of gravitational attraction and inertia.
Disruption of delicate balance between these laws would pull them into the sun, or shoot them out
into interstellar space!
But when the Messiah spoke, the Father spirit!
could have produced the food in two ways: 5. Exactly what does YEHOVAH God
either by transforming spirit ENERGY into sustain by His power -- did He set in motion
NEW bread and fish, or by transforming the specific PHYSICAL LAWS by which the
How Do You Know YEHOVAH God Exists?