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Lesson 31 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 15
John 5:37. (Daniel 7:13-14).
2. Did the Messiah reveal the Father to COMMENT: To be “glorified” means
us? John 1:18. Who did the Messiah say the to have GREAT POWER and GLORY! The
Father looks like? John 14:9. Was the Messiah a power which the Father and the Messiah have IS
mortal man when he made this statement? Does SO GREAT that it makes their human-appearing
the Father therefore appear like a MAN? spirit bodies SHINE AS BRIGHT AS THE SUN
COMMENT: Yeshua clearly indicated IN FULL STRENGTH!
that the Father has the general FORM and
STATURE of a mortal man! Has YEHOVAH God ETERNALLY
3. What did YEHOVAH God say at Existed?
creation which further verifies the fact that He
has the FORM of a man? Genesis 1:26. In the Bible YEHOVAH God reveals
COMMENT: If the word “Elohim” had Himself as the CREATOR of all there is -- this
not replaced YEHOVAH (YHVH), this verse vast material universe, angelic beings, light, life
would have CORRECTLY read as follows: (Revelation 4:11). Now since YEHOVAH
“Then YEHOVAH said, I will make man in My created all these, then He certainly existed BE-
image, according to My likeness...” FORE they did. His time goes back BEFORE all
4. Did He declare that the INVISIBLE of them.
things -- including YEHOVAH God -- can be “But WHO created God?” someone is
clearly understood by the VISIBLE CREATION certain to ask. This question does naturally enter
-- including mortal man -- which YEHOVAH our minds. Let’s learn the simple answer from
made? Romans 1:20. the Bible.
5. But there is more to YEHOVAH’s 1. How long has YEHOVAH God
appearance than just His form and size. What did existed? Psalm 90:2. Will He CONTINUE to
the Messiah ask the Father to do just before he exist forever? Same verse and Revelation
was taken to be crucified? John 17:5. 4:8-10.
COMMENT: This is another example 2. Does YEHOVAH God (through the
of the Greek text being TWISTED and Messiah) promise to give ETERNAL life to the
CORRUPTED to fit prevailing PAGAN ideas! dead in the Messiah at the resurrection? John
The word translated “I had” should have been 5:25. Could YEHOVAH impart eternal life if He
translated “I AM TO HAVE.” This GLORY that were NOT eternal Himself? Verse 26.
Yeshua is to have, is to be BEFORE the world COMMENT: YEHOVAH God is
TO COME. The word translated “before” ETERNAL. YEHOVAH GOD HAS ALWAYS
actually means “PREVIOUSLY” -- that is, BEEN! Do you need a creator for a being that
“PREVIOUS” to the world TO COME. Correct- has always existed? Of course not!
ly translated, this scripture should read: “And The difficulty in understanding ETER-
now, O Father, YOU GLORIFY ME beside NITY lies in our human minds. We deal in
Your OWN SELF, with the glory which I AM FINITE things -- dollars and cents, years, miles,
TO HAVE with You BEFORE the world to acres, gallons, pounds. We measure, count and
come.” estimate in units, always arriving at a DEFINITE
Yeshua was looking forward to being quantity.
GLORIFIED just like YEHOVAH God. But eternity is WITHOUT beginning. It
6. How do the Messiah’s and the Father’s is WITHOUT END! Eternity cannot be limited
powerful, GLORIFIED spirit bodies appear? to a definite number of years. Even as numbers
Revelation 1:13-16. Remember that the “Son of can go on forever, so does YEHOVAH’s life
man" specifically mentioned here is the Messiah into BOTH the past and the future.
How Do You Know YEHOVAH God Exists?