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12 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 31
This now signifies him as being YEHOVAH’s intended meaning.
LITERAL Son (John 3:16). Just to read I Corinthians 10:4 one
8. After his resurrection from the dead, might believe that Yeshua was “following” right
did the Messiah assume great power and glory as along behind the children of Israel. However, we
the Son of YEHOVAH God? Revelation 3:21. need to understand that YEHOVAH’s Shekinah
Then is the Kingdom of YEHOVAH God Glory, LED the Children of Israel -- it did not
plainly the ruling Family of YEHOVAH God -- “FOLLOW” them! (Exodus 13:21-22). Thay-
composed AT PRESENT of the Father and the er’s Greek-English Lexicon shows us that the
FIRST-BORN Son -- to which YEHOVAH’s word “followed” properly means “to walk the
Family is in the process of adding MANY SAME ROAD; to follow one who PRECEDES
OTHER Sons of YEHOVAH God? Romans -- to FOLLOW ONE IN TIME”!
8:29. Notice the words, “FIRSTBORN among Yeshua the Messiah followed the
MANY brethren.” Children of Israel in HISTORY -- hundreds of
COMMENT: The “Father”-and-”Son” years LATER -- at his first appearance!
relationship in YEHOVAH’s Kingdom clearly The Messiah DID NOT follow Israel
began when the Messiah was resurrected from around in the wilderness. Instead of following
the dead and ascended to heaven to sit at them, he would had LED them. The intended
YEHOVAH’s right hand (Matthew 26:64). meaning is that Yeshua came LATER IN TIME
(followed) after Israel’s wilderness experience.
YEHOVAH --”LORD GOD” of the Old Yeshua was not back there in Moses’ time!
Testament Notice Galatians 4:4.
The angel of YEHOVAH, who also
1. Did the One who later became the accompanied Israel, did not follow them after
Father take an ACTIVE, DIRECT part in the Mount Sinai but “went before them” (Exodus
affairs of this world in Old Testament times? 23:20, 32:34, 33:2).
Genesis 18:1 and Exodus 19:16-20. 3. Read II Samuel 22:2-3.
COMMENT: There are some who point COMMENT: While the Messiah is
to John 1:18 and 5:37 in an attempt to show that called a “rock” a few times in the Bible, in the
YEHOVAH God was some cold, distant Being vast majority of times this refers to YEHOVAH
who avoided contact with human kind. They fail God (YHVH). Wherever the word “LORD”
to understand that YEHOVAH cannot appear to appears in CAPITAL letters it is translated from
man in some forms without causing the death of the Hebrew word YHVH.
the one(s) He is appearing before! The ONLY 4. Did David speak of this SAME Rock
form that YEHOVAH can appear safely to man or LORD as his “god”? Psalm 18:1-2.
in is His Shekinah Glory form. This is the form COMMENT: The word “God” actually
He appeared to Abraham in in Genesis 18:1 and has two meanings -- the God Kingdom, or
the Children of Israel in Exodus 19 and MANY Family of God; AND the PERSONS presently
OTHER places in the Old Testament. composing that Kingdom, or Family. But the
2. But what about I Corinthians 10:4 -- LORD -- YEHOVAH (YHVH) -- was the
doesn’t this show Yeshua the Messiah to have ONLY active One GUIDING Old Testament
been the God of the Old Testament? Israel. He appeared in His Shekinah Glory form
COMMENT: Did a Rock really follow -- the SPOKESMAN or “Word” of YEHOVAH
the Israelites? Did a Rock follow them? The God. It was NOT until Yeshua the Messiah
answer is NO -- “them” does not appear in the ascended to heaven after his resurrection that
Greek, and therefore should not be in our YEHOVAH became the “Father.” Before the
English versions. This added word changes the Messiah’s resurrection YEHOVAH was ab-
How Do You Know YEHOVAH God Exists?