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8 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 31
(1539), the Whittingham Bible (1557), the GLORY] was in the beginning with God
Geneva Bible (1560) and the Bishop’s Bible [YEHOVAH].”
(1568) -- assign NO GENDER whatsoever to the 8. John 1:3. “Everything was within his
“word” and simply call it “IT,” such as in John [its] [the SHEKINAH GLORY’S] power,
1:3: “By IT all things were made. Without IT [otherwise] nothing would ever exist.”
nothing was made.” The Coverdale Bible (1550) 9. John 1:4. “Through him [it] [the
has “THE SAME” rather than “it.” SHEKINAH GLORY] was life and life became
This seems like a strange way of the spark of humanity.”
referring to Yeshua the Messiah! 10. John 1:5. “And that [ensuing] fire
This is further reinforced by the Aramaic [the SHEKINAH GLORY] lights the darkness
version of the New Testament -- where the first and darkness does not overshadow it [the
verses of the gospel of John leave little doubt SHEKINAH GLORY].”
that the “word” refers to YEHOVAH God’s COMMENT: Most people don’t
Shekinah Glory. Notice! understand the idiom of John’s day and get all
1. John 1:1. “In the beginning [of confused with the Greek concept of the logos
creation] there was the MANIFESTATION; and that John used to get his point across. John
that MANIFESTATION was with God [YEHO- NOWHERE indicates that this “word” or
VAH]; and God [YEHOVAH] was [the embodi- “logos” is anything but the Shekinah Glory of
ment of] that MANIFESTATION.” YEHOVAH God.
2. John 1:2. “This [the MANIFES- 11. Does the Bible plainly tell us that
TATION] was in the beginning with God YEHOVAH God created ALL the material
[YEHOVAH].” universe -- including this earth and mankind?
3. John 1:3. “Everything was within his Ephesians 3:9 and Colossians 1:16-17.
[correctly, ITS] power, [otherwise] nothing COMMENT: Many people take these
would ever exist.” verses at face value not realizing that there are
4. John 1:4. “Through him [IT, the major problems with them that have crept into
MANIFESTATION] was life and life became the New Testament as we have it today.
the spark of humanity.” By just reading Ephesians 3:9 one
5. John 1:5. “And that [ensuing] fire [the would think that YEHOVAH God gave the
MANIFESTATION] lights the darkness and orders to create all things and that these orders
darkness does not overshadow it [the were carried out by Yeshua the Messiah.
MANIFESTATION].” Unfortunately for this hypothesis, the LAST
COMMENT: If we replace the word THREE WORDS in the King James Version of
“manifestation” with the words “Shekinah the Bible were ADDED to this scripture by the
Glory” -- which is what the “manifestation” translators! These last three words were NOT in
actually was -- we will clearly see that the the original manuscripts -- as pointed out by The
“word” or “logos” of John 1 is none other than Emphatic Diaglott, The Interlinear Greek-
YEHOVAH God’s Shekinah Glory -- NOT English New Testament by Marshall and
Yeshua the Messiah as some have blindly Clarke’s Commentary by Adam Clarke. This
assumed! verse is correctly translated in the Revised
6. John 1:1. “In the beginning [of Standard Version which says: “...and to make all
creation] there was the SHEKINAH GLORY; men see what is the plan of the mystery hidden
and that SHEKINAH GLORY was with God for ages in God who created all things;...”
[YEHOVAH]; and God [YEHOVAH] was [the If we look into Colossians 1:16-17 we
embodiment of] that SHEKINAH GLORY.” find that this time the translators incorrectly
7. John 1:2. “This [the SHEKINAH translated TWO KEY words that completely
How Do You Know YEHOVAH God Exists?