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Lesson 31 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 9
change the meaning of these two verses. In verse translated “UNDER” as the Critical Lexicon by
16 the second word “by” -- “in” in some versions Bullinger shows on page 947.
-- should have been translated “BEFORE”! The last word that needs to be corrected
Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible is “CONSISTED” -- which means “to put
shows that “before” is one of the meanings of the together (i.e. unite parts into one whole,” see
Greek word mistranslated “by” or “in.” This is word #4921 in Thayer’s Lexicon.
verified by A Critical Lexicon and Concor- Putting all this together, Colossians
dance To the English and Greek New Testa- 1:16-17 should read: “Because BEFORE him
ment by Ethelbert W. Bullinger. Therefore, [the Messiah] all things were created that are in
BEFORE the Messiah was born into this world heaven, and that are in earth, visible and
all things were CREATED BY YEHOVAH God invisible, whether thrones, or rulerships, or
-- which is exactly what Psalm 104:24 says! principalities, or powers; all things were created
The second incorrectly translated word ON ACCOUNT OF him, and FOR him. And he
in Colossians 1:16 is the Greek word “dia” -- [the Messiah] is OVER [has been placed over]
translated “BY” in the King James Version, all things, and all things have been PLACED
intimating that “all things were created ‘by’ the TOGETHER UNDER him.”
Messiah.” However, the Critical Lexicon by 12. Does the “word” of John 1:1, then,
Bullinger (p. 799) shows this word “dia” to OBVIOUSLY refer to YEHOVAH God’s Shek-
mean “on account of,” “because of,” “for the inah Glory?
sake of.” This is verified by both Thayer’s 13. Does I Corinthians 8:6 prove a
Greek-English Lexicon (p. 134) and The pre-existent Messiah?
Emphatic Diaglott which render “dia” as “on COMMENT: Once again, faulty trans-
account of,” “because of” and “on account of lation comes into play. This verse should be
him and for him.” correctly rendered: “...yet for us there is ONE
So, all things were made or created by GOD, the Father, from whom all things come
YEHOVAH God FOR -- “on account of” and ON ACCOUNT OF whom we exist; and one
Yeshua the Messiah who is the firstborn of many Lord, Yeshua the Messiah, FOR whom were
brothers; the firstborn of the Family of YEHO- created all things and ON ACCOUNT OF whom
VAH God. we have our being.”
YEHOVAH God did not create this vast COMMENT: John 1:1 and Genesis 1:1
universe only for Himself -- He created it for His are two accounts of the SAME event -- the
eventual Family, which He planned to do from original creation of the universe. They both
the very beginning. YEHOVAH is going to reveal ONE Supreme Being -- YEHOVAH God
share it with us! That is WHAT the apostle Paul the Father -- planning and creating ALL things.
was speaking of when he was inspired to write As Yeshua the Messiah said in Mark 12:32 --
these words in Colossians 1:15-17. “...for there is ONE GOD, and there is NO
Going now to Colossians 1:17, we find OTHER but He.”
further evidence of scriptural corruption by the The Greek word which is translated into
translators. The word translated “BEFORE” in English as “word,” in John 1:1, is LOGOS. It
this verse is word #4253 in Strong’s Exhaustive literally means SPOKESMAN, or one who
Concordance of the Bible and in Thayer’s SPEAKS. And so everything was MADE by the
Greek-English Lexicon. This word should have spokesman or MANIFESTATION -- THE
been translated “over” -- as in PRE-EMINENCE SHEKINAH GLORY -- the Logos which was
and SUPERIORITY. the vehicle of the person of YEHOVAH God in
The next incorrectly applied word has the three dimensional world.
been translated as “IN,” and should have been It was the Logos or Shekinah Glory of
How Do You Know YEHOVAH God Exists?