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Lesson 31 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 11
YEHOVAH God would have BROKEN HIS YEHOVAH God but only became so META-
OWN LAW!! If we would only look at PHORICALLY on “this day” when the spirit of
YEHOVAH’s character in the Old Testament, YEHOVAH God descended upon him. If the
we would clearly see the IMPOSSIBILITY of Messiah was already the “Son of God” why
the Immaculate Conception fable: 1. YEHO- would he AGAIN receive the holy spirit at his
VAH cannot lie, 2. YEHOVAH cannot sin, 3. baptism? Yeshua was a MAN born like other
YEHOVAH does not break His own laws and 4. men, but imbued, at his baptism, with the divine
YEHOVAH is pure, holy and righteous. spirit.
With that said, let us ask whether Mary 6. When did Yeshua the Messiah ACTU-
was engaged or married at the time of her ALLY become the LITERAL Son of YEHO-
“impregnation” by the holy spirit. If she was VAH God? Acts 13:33.
married when YEHOVAH “impregnated” her, COMMENT: Here the resurrection of
He would have committed ADULTERY -- the Messiah is plainly spoken of as a
which is a VIOLATION of the 8th Command- FULFILLMENT of YEHOVAH’s promise to
ment. Conversely, if Mary was only engaged/ Israel -- a promise expressed in Psalm 2:7. It
betrothed when YEHOVAH “impregnated” her, should be noted that the SIGNIFICANT feature
then He would have committed FORNI- of this verse is that it uses the language of
CATION! YEHOVAH God will definitely NOT “BEGETTING” and specifies a particular
commit adultery or fornication!! BIRTH-DAY -- a day on which someone (the
YEHOVAH God NEVER does anything king, the Messiah) BECOMES YEHOVAH
to His disciples, prophets, teachers, servants, etc. God’s SON. According to Acts 13:33 and the
Without first asking them if they would do it -- earliest Christians, that day was the RESUR-
how much more so in the case of “impregnating” RECTION of Yeshua the Messiah.
someone? The New Testament CLEARLY Writes James Dunn: “In other words,
states that the Messiah was “BORN UNDER primitive [early] Christian preaching seems to
THE LAW.” This is an obvious indication that have regarded Jesus’ RESURRECTION as the
the Messiah was NOT conceived through forni- day of his appointment to DIVINE SONSHIP, as
cation or adultery. the event by which he becomes God’s son”
Yeshua the Messiah was NOT conceived (Christology In the Making, p. 36).
by the holy spirit -- nor did he receive the holy 7. Does Romans 1:3-4 say the same
spirit at birth. Therefore, he was NOT a “Son of thing as Acts 13:33?
God” at birth and the Father-Son relationship did COMMENT: This passage CLEARLY
not exist at that time. shows that the one sent as YEHOVAH’s Son
5. When did the Messiah FIRST receive was one “born of a woman,” simply a MAN --
the holy spirit? Mark 1:10-11, Matthew NOT a divine being metamorphosed into or
3:16-17, Luke 3:21-22 and John 1:32-34. appearing as a human being. The early
COMMENT: In the EARLIEST ver- Christians simply thought of the Messiah as the
sions of Mark the episode of the baptism is ONE COMMISSIONED BY YEHOVAH
worded differently from what we have today. GOD, as one who shared wholly in man’s frailty,
Instead of the voice from heaven saying “Thou bondage and sin, and whose DEATH AND
art my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased,” RESURRECTION achieved YEHOVAH God’s
it says “Thou art my Son; THIS DAY HAVE I liberating and transforming purpose for man-
BEGOTTEN THEE.” That is to say, that by the kind.
descent of the “spirit like a dove” upon him he The Messiah now bears the UNIQUE
becomes the SPIRITUAL Son of YEHOVAH DESIGNATION as the “only-begotten Son” of
God; that he was NOT born the Son of YEHOVAH God as a result of the resurrection.
How Do You Know YEHOVAH God Exists?