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Lesson 31 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 13
solutely ALONE (with the exception of angels, Where Is YEHOVAH?
etc.) in heaven.
It was YEHOVAH (YHVH) who spoke 1. To whom did the Messiah tell us to
to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. The address our prayers? Matthew 6:9. WHERE is
“LORD” who SPOKE and was SEEN of men the One whom we address? Same verse. Did the
was always YEHOVAH (YHVH) in His Messiah make a direct statement that the Father
Shekinah Glory form. To appear in any other is IN HEAVEN? Matthew 7:21.
form would have resulted in death to those He 2. Is there MORE than one heaven?
appeared to (Exodus 33:20). That is why John Genesis 2:1. Was Paul, IN VISION, taken to the
said that no one has ever seen the Father (John “THIRD heaven” of YEHOVAH’s throne? II
1:18 and 5:37). Corinthians 12:1-2, 4. Did the Messiah go to
5. Who did YHVH tell Israel He was? the heaven of the Father’s throne after his
Isaiah 48:17. Is the term “LORD your God” resurrection? Revelation 3:21, Daniel 7:13-14.
used here? This was the WORD -- the SHEK- Is he still there? Revelation 3:21. And is the
INAH GLORY -- not the omniscient, eternal Father still there? Same verse.
presence of YEHOVAH -- who spoke. What did 3. How do we know the Father is NOT in
He tell Israel He had done, and what He would one of the “heavens” close to this earth? John
BE to them in the future? Isaiah 43:15. Note the 3:13. Notice the words “no MAN.”
word “KING.” COMMENT: The Bible clearly shows
6. Was it ALSO the Word -- the Shek- there are THREE “heavens.” The first consists
inah Glory -- that GAVE the TEN COMMAND- of the atmosphere surrounding this earth in
MENTS? Exodus 20:1-2. Also read verses 3 which the clouds form. The second consists of
through 17. the vast reaches of space beyond the earth’s
COMMENT: The Hebrew word for atmosphere.
LORD in Exodus 20 is YEHOVAH. So here Today’s modern jet aircraft soar high
again it was the logos -- Shekinah Glory -- that above the earth in the first heaven. And manned
was doing the ACTUAL WORK of giving the spacecraft have but barely penetrated the second
Ten Commandments. heaven. But YEHOVAH God the Father is
7. Did this same “LORD God” prophesy located far beyond the second heaven, for “no
that in the future -- in the Millennium -- He MAN has ascended” (with the exception of the
would ACTIVELY gather Israel out of the Messiah) to YEHOVAH’s throne in the THIRD
nations where they had been scattered? Ezekiel HEAVEN!
11:17. And when He, as the Word or Shekinah Notice Hebrews 4:14 in the King James
Glory of the Father, has subdued all things, what Version. The expression, “into the heavens,”
will He do? I Corinthians 15:28. should be properly translated from the original
COMMENT: How plain it is that the inspired Greek: “Having therefore a great high
“Word” or Shekinah Glory of the ONE true God priest, who passed THROUGH the heavens ...."
(YEHOVAH, YHVH) in Old Testament times The Messiah passed THROUGH the visible first
was the ACTIVE “LORD GOD” we have just and second heavens to reach the heaven of YE-
read about. The “Word,” Shekinah Glory, or HOVAH’s throne -- THE THIRD HEAVEN.
Logos was the FORCE or POWER REPRE- 4. Is YEHOVAH God associated with
SENTING and ACTING on behalf of the One “Mount Zion” and the “HEAVENLY Jeru-
who became the Father at the Messiah’s salem"? Hebrews 12:22. Does Galatians 4:26
resurrection! also verify the fact that this city is the HEAVEN-
LY Jerusalem?
COMMENT: The heavenly Jerusalem
How Do You Know YEHOVAH God Exists?