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18 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 31
material creation functions? Jeremiah 33:25.
Does the sun figuratively OBEY YEHOVAH
God? Job 38:12 and Psalm 104:19. How does
the earth APPEAR to be suspended? Job 26:7.
COMMENT: The dictionary defines
the word “sustain” as “to hold suspended, to
support, to keep alive, to keep from ruin."
YEHOVAH’s creation would literally
“fly apart,” were it not for the LAWS He set in
motion to govern its functioning. And YEHO-
VAH God SUSTAINS the laws governing His
creation -- whether on earth or in the heavens
above, whether living or lifeless -- by the
Thus you might say the creation
functions AUTOMATICALLY -- much like a
modern space age computer which has been The Messiah walked on water by means of the
PRE-programmed to perform specific oper- energy of the spirit of YEHOVAH God!
ations. YEHOVAH’s spirit is the ENERGIZ-
ING force which keeps the laws of the universe all true wisdom? Daniel 2:20; I Timothy 1:17
operating, just as electrical current energizes and and James 1:5.
operates a computer. 2. Does the God Family have PERFECT
This little analogy points up the fact that knowledge? Job 37:14,16.
YEHOVAH God is a God of law and order (I COMMENT: Since the Father and Son
Corinthians 14:33). He very CAREFULLY together presently constitute the ONE Kingdom
PLANNED and calculated His creation to of YEHOVAH God, BOTH possess the same
operate smoothly and efficiently -- according to characteristics, or attributes. Remember, the
His INEXORABLE “laws of physics”! Messiah said, “I and my Father are ONE” (John
Notice, too, that the assignment of 10:30).
YEHOVAH’s energy to the task of maintaining 3. Does YEHOVAH God know the SE-
the physical laws of the universe is a LONG CRET of existence without dependence upon
TERM assignment, in contrast to most of the anything -- needing no food, shelter or other
SHORT TERM assignments of performing the necessities so needful for man’s existence? What
Messiah’s miracles. is He called? Isaiah 40:28.
And so YEHOVAH directs His holy COMMENT: The Hebrew word trans-
spirit in attaining His purpose. It FLOWS OUT lated “Lord” here can also mean “The Self-
from Him and back again -- much like current in Existent One.”
an electrical circuit -- and is felt EVERY- 4. Does YEHOVAH also know the
WHERE in good works (Psalm 139:7-11). secret of ETERNAL LIFE -- life WITHOUT
END? John 5:26. Is He tireless? Isaiah 40:28.
Attributes of the God Family 5. Is there any way by which we mortals
may, OF OURSELVES, learn the secrets of
1. Was King Solomon the wisest man YEHOVAH God? Same verse. Also Romans
who ever lived because YEHOVAH GOD gave 11:33 and Psalm 145:3. To WHOM does
him wisdom? I Kings 3:11-12; 10:24. Then is YEHOVAH God reveal certain secrets? Daniel
the God Kingdom ALL-wise -- the SOURCE of 2:22; Proverbs 3:32 and Psalm 25:14. Does He
How Do You Know YEHOVAH God Exists?