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Lesson 34 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 11
9. Notice Zechariah 10:3-4. NOT say a single, solitary word about false
COMMENT: Here we find that Yeshua religion or any Anti- christ going forth on a
the Messiah is called THE BOW THAT WINS white horse -- this is purely in the imagination of
THE BATTLE! false preachers and ministers who place their
10. This is also implied in Isaiah 49:2. OWN interpretation on the Scriptures!
COMMENT: Owing to the suddenness
with which the arrow inflicted wounds, and to The White Horse Rides!
the fact that such wounds often came from an
unseen hand, the ARROW was used as a 1. Had the Messiah prepared the way for
SYMBOL OF THE JUDGMENTS OF YEHO- the founding of his Ecclesia? Matthew 4:24-25;
VAH GOD. Acts 26:26, last part. How many were added to
M’Clintoch and Strong, in their Cyclo- the New Testament Ecclesia in its first day of
paedia of Biblical, Theological, and Ecclesi- existence? Acts 2:41. Did it continue to grow?
astical Literature, highlight this amazing Verse 47.
definition of the ARROW -- 2. Were miracles again performed by the
“The arrow is also used in a good sense same POWER that had been in Yeshua the Mes-
to denote the efficiency and irresistible energy of siah? Acts 2:43; 3:7; 5:12, 14-15, 16; 6:8.
the Word of God in the hands of the Messiah 3. Did Peter and all the Apostles continue
(Psa. XLV, 5; Isa. XLIV, 5; comp. Lowth’s note to SPEAK BOLDLY, the same POWER of the
thereon).” holy spirit motivating THEM? Acts 2:14, 40;
Writes Philip Mauro: 3:4, 6, 12, 14-16; 4:8-10.
“Thus the Scriptures do (figuratively 4. Was the True Gospel heard and known
speaking) put a BOW and ARROWS into the by a great many -- the majority of all people
hands of Christ and send him forth on a white living in Judea at the time? Acts 2:6; 3:9, 10;
horse, in the ‘day of salvation.’ Whereas the 4:21. How many now were members of the
Scriptures say NOT A WORD of any anti- Ecclesia? Acts 4:4; 5:14; 6:1, 7.
christ’s [or false religion] going forth on a white COMMENT: These CAME OUT of the
horse (or any other), or of his
carrying a bow. And inasmuch as
we have in this case no choice but
either to be guided by Scripture,
and take this passage as referring
to Christ in the gospel, or else to
abandon Scripture entirely, in
which case we are free to assign it
to any character we please,
whether real or imaginary”
(Things Which Soon Must Come
to Pass, p. 197).
So, once again, we see that
the WHITE horseman of Rev- Sheep naturally follow a leader. The Messiah likens his Ecclesia
elation 6:2 represents the TRUTH to a sheep -- a little flock. The Messiah said his sheep will hear
OF YEHOVAH GOD going out his voice -- and follow him. The world does not hear him, and
in great power! The Bible DOES will not follow.
The White Horse of Revelation 6:2