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16 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 34
Where Did the TWELVE Apostles Go? after he wrote this epistle, James was slain --
martyred -- at the Temple in Jerusalem, about 62
Most of the “lost sheep of the HOUSE A.D.
OF ISRAEL” were not in Palestine. Not since COMMENT: In addition to those in
the ancient Assyrians had deported them. Where Bithynia and nearby, other Israelites were wide-
WERE they? Let us notice WHERE THE ly dispersed on three continents. But already, a
APOSTLES WENT. major homeland was Britain. Here Peter next
1. As a headquarters apostle, Peter had turned his steps. We are told that he spent
also a certain responsibility toward the whole MUCH TIME in Britain!
Ecclesia. In fulfilling this overall responsibility, Peter died in February of 68 A.D., but in
did he write two epistles to congregations 80 or 81 A.D. Anacletus, Roman Pope, conse-
abroad? I and II Peter. To whom did he address crated a tomb for “Peter” at Rome. Whoever was
the first epistle? I Peter 1:1. really buried there, this proves that the real
COMMENT: These provinces were in apostle Peter was no longer alive -- had indeed
northern and central Asia Minor (Turkey of been gone for some time -- or the fraud would
today) along the southern shores of the Black soon have been exposed.
Sea. They were non-Greek areas. The Galatia After Peter’s death, the supervision of
here mentioned is NORTHERN Galatia, not the
southern Galatia PAUL visited and to which he Trajan, Roman Emperor (98-117 A.D.). He allowed
wrote the Epistle to the Galatians. Archaeology Christians peace instead of persecution --
has proven northern Galatia was non-Greek in though the law demanded persecution -- because
language and culture. truly repentant and converted Christians were
Who lived in these provinces? Peter obedient, peaceful, dependable -- the kind of sub-
writes to people called “strangers” scattered jects any government appreciates.
throughout that land. It was not their homeland,
then. Now compare I Peter 2:10 with Hosea
1:10-2:1. Clearly both references are speaking
of the same people -- Israel! In Peter’s day this
region was a chief dwelling place of the “lost”
tribes of Israel -- brother tribes to the Judahites
who were the tribe of Judah.
Peter not only wrote to these people from
Babylon, he visited them in person. As overall
coordinator of the Ecclesias, he met and
conferred with his brother Andrew there.
This region was greatly affected by the
teaching of the apostles. And the effect remained
for at least 2 generations. About 112 A.D., Pliny
the Younger, governor of Bithynia, wrote to
Roman Emperor Trajan that the temples of the
old gods were almost forsaken and that
Christians were everywhere a multitude!
2. Did James, the Messiah’s brother --
another headquarters apostle -- also write an
epistle to all the twelve tribes -- WHEREVER
they were SCATTERED? James 1:1. Shortly
The White Horse of Revelation 6:2