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Lesson 34 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 13
places of prayer of the Judeans, and preached ROMAN “GENTILES”!
there until persecution drove him out (Acts 13:5, 8. This also applies to the GREEK
14; 14:1; 16:13, etc.). “GENTILES.” John 7:35.
2. Did the Messiah strike Saul down and COMMENT: The word “Greek(s),”
convert him? Read the whole of chapter 9 and often used interchangeably with the word “Gen-
the first part of chapter 22. tile(s),” is often used in the New Testament with
COMMENT: Paul’s conversion reference to DISPERSED ISRAELITES. The
brought into the Church a man of great zeal, and apostle John acknowledged that dispersed
the best of education. He had been trained “at the Israelites were living AMONG the Greeks, and
feet of Gamaliel" who was regarded as the he recognized them AS BEING Greeks.
greatest Judean teacher of the day. 9. Notice Acts 9:15.
3. Did the Messiah call Paul for a par- COMMENT: Years later, tradition
ticular mission? Acts 9:15; 26:16; Romans states, after preaching to the dispersed Israelites
11:13. all over the Greek-speaking world (Romans
COMMENT: Note that the Messiah 15:19) and after going to Spain (verse 28) Paul
called Paul or Saul to be a special “apostle to the went on even into Britain.
GENTILES.” But who, in this context, were the 10. Did the other apostles recognize
“Gentiles”? Paul’s special responsibility of going to the
4. What does Paul call the Roman dispersed Israelites known as “Gentiles”?
Ecclesia? Romans 1:13. Galatians 2:8, 9. But did Paul and Barnabas
5. Moving to Romans 2:14-15, what always go first to the Judahites (Jews) in that
does Paul say the “Gentiles” do by nature? area? Romans 1:16; 2:9, 10; Acts 13:42-48.
COMMENT: Paul says the Roman COMMENT: Paul and Barnabas al-
Gentiles DO BY NATURE the things contained ways went to the larger cities in the “Gentile”
in the law and that they were showing the works (dispersed Israelite) areas. Here they expected to
of the law “written in their hearts.” find significant numbers of Judahites. Many
6. Now in WHOM did YEHOVAH God such cities boasted a synagogue and an organ-
write the law in their hearts? Jeremiah 31:31 ized congregation.
and Hebrews 8:8 and 10. Being of equal rank, when Paul and
COMMENT: It was the HOUSE OF Barnabas found themselves in disagreement as
ISRAEL and the House of Judah! Did you notice to how best to prosecute the work in their area,
what YEHOVAH said in Hebrews 8:10? “I will they separated (Acts 15:36-41). Barnabas then
be their God, and they shall be My people.” This continued his work to the Gentiles in the area of
statement could only apply to a “people” called Cyprus and Egypt. Of his later work we hear
ISRAEL, since these were the “people” that the next to nothing. Probably not a great many
covenants were made with and belonged to. Gentile converts were made in those areas.
7. Now look at Romans 4:1. What does Paul’s later work in Spain was no more
Paul refer to Abraham as? prosperous or permanent than Barnabas’ in
COMMENT: Paul refers to Abraham Africa or the other apostles’. That is why Paul
OUR father “as pertaining to the flesh”: “What did not stay long in Spain.
shall we say then that Abraham OUR father, AS 11. Did “many thousands” -- probably
PERTAINING TO THE FLESH, hath found?” the majority -- of the members of the Ecclesia
(KJV). What does this statement mean? The continue to be Judahites (Jewish)? Acts 21:20.
phrase “as pertaining to the flesh” could only This was now about 30 years after the Ecclesia
mean that Abraham was a REAL FLESH AND began. Were many of them former Pharisees?
The White Horse of Revelation 6:2