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12 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 34

world -- they LEFT their Judean denominations. within the Ecclesia. This is a lie! The proof lies
They were no longer of the world, but were overlooked here in Acts 11:6.
FILLED WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT (John Peter was staying at the house of one
17:15-17; Romans 8:9). Simon A TANNER. Under Judahite ceremonial
To whom at first did scattered Christians law, a tanner, by virtue of his occupation --
spread the Word? Acts 11:19. But then to tanning the raw hides of dead animals -- was
whom? Verses 20 and 21. considered unclean. Had Peter been the
COMMENT: This was done according thoroughgoing Judaizer some claim him to be,
to the will of the LIVING Messiah to work out he would certainly have lodged elsewhere!
his PLAN here below. For salvation was not to Here is proof Peter knew and practiced
be limited to Judea. the same freedom from CEREMONIAL prohi-
5. To whom did PHILIP go? Acts 8:5, 6. bitions as did Paul (Colossians 2:20, 21).
COMMENT: The Samaritans were A little later we find Peter freely living
Gentiles, descendants of Babylonian and other and eating with Gentiles -- whose very persons
immigrants placed there by Assyrian kings and were “unclean” and contaminating in Pharisaic
later rulers. Their religion was the old Baby- doctrine. He mistakenly withdrew only when
lonian religion, but much mixed with elements others arrived for fear THEY might not yet
adopted from the neighboring Jews. Of all the understand (Galatians 2:12).
Gentiles, the Samaritans would seem to have 9. Meanwhile, did Philip continue to
been the most prepared to accept the religion of preach the gospel to other Gentiles who had been
the New Testament. prepared by previous conversion from heathen-
Simon, the chief in the Samaritan relig- ism to the Judean religion? Acts 8:26, 27, 40.
ion, was among those who listened to Philip. COMMENT: Azotus is the city of Ash-
Who he was and what part he played in Church dod -- one of the five ancient royal cities of the
history will be made plain later. Philistines.
6. What did the Apostles do when they 10. Does this mean that Christianity is, or
realized the Messiah was calling Samaritans? ever could become, a Gentile religion? John
Acts 8:14. 4:22; Romans 9:4, 5; Matthew 10:5, 6.
7. Had David sung of the day the gospel
would go to Gentiles? Psalm 96:1, 3, 10. And Why Paul’s Work Among the Greeks?
did the prophets predict it? Isaiah 11:10. The
Samaritans were already partly mixed with Ju- 1. Had Yeshua forewarned that his
dean renegades and also had circumcision and a followers would be put out of the synagogues?
perverted form of the law of Moses. John 16:2. That whoever would kill them would
8. Did Peter still have to be shown at the think he was serving YEHOVAH God? Same
time of Cornelius’ conversion that all peoples verse. Did this begin to come true in the
could really become one in the Messiah? Acts persecution by Saul (afterward called Paul)?
10:28, 34. Did YEHOVAH God then use Peter Acts 8:3; 26:9-11; I Timothy 1:13.
to officially inaugurate salvation to the Gentiles, COMMENT: The earliest Christians --
with the same special “one-time-only” mani- almost all Judeans -- continued to meet in the
festations of the holy spirit as when first it was synagogues. They regarded Christianity truly, as
confirmed for the Judeans? Compare Acts the fulfillment of the Old Testament religion. At
10:44-47 with 2:1-4. first the majority of unconverted Judeans listen-
COMMENT: Some today falsely claim ed without rancor -- until the Pharisees stirred
Peter was still so completely a Judahite in his them up. Notice how in later times Paul always
outlook, that he led a so-called “Judaizing party” went and preached first in the synagogues and

The White Horse of Revelation 6:2
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