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Lesson 35 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 7
fastings” -- which means HE FOLLOWED THE lesson and understand HOW fasting draws us
MESSIAH’S EXAMPLE and sought to be closer to YEHOVAH God.
GOD by doing a great deal of fasting! for those who are HUMBLE and “contrite” --
4. Did the leaders of the early Ecclesias REPENTANT -- in attitude? Isaiah 66:2 and
FAST and PRAY to learn YEHOVAH’s will 57:15. Does YEHOVAH give GRACE -- un-
when certain men had to be selected for specific merited pardon -- to the humble? I Peter 5:5.
jobs? Acts 13:1-3. Did YEHOVAH’s ministers COMMENT: True humility is NOT
FAST and PRAY when they ordained elders in penance, or a state of poverty. It is an ATTI-
the Ecclesias? Acts 14:23. TUDE OF MIND! And the one who is humble
5. In his instructions to the Church at and repentant in attitude -- respectful of YEHO-
Corinth, the apostle Paul showed that YEHO- VAH’s Word and has a teachable spirit -- is the
VAH’s people would be a FASTING people. one YEHOVAH FAVORS and RICHLY
What did he teach husbands and wives concern- BLESSES!
ing the marriage relationship? I Corinthians 2. Does YEHOVAH God require men to
7:4-5. walk in HUMILITY before Him? Micah 6:8 and
COMMENT: Paul was instructing hus- Ephesians 4:1-2.
bands and wives not to withhold normal 3. Are all Christians therefore command-
MARRIAGE RELATIONS from each other, ed to be clothed with HUMILITY before their
except it be with common consent, in order to Creator? I Peter 5:6 and Colossians 3:12.
devote themselves to FASTING AND 4. Does YEHOVAH HEAR THE
PRAYER. Paul clearly shows that fasting and PRAYERS of the humble? Psalm 9:11-12 and
prayer could, on occasion, INTERRUPT the 10:17. Will YEHOVAH God always come to
normal marriage relationship from time to time! the AID of the humble? Job 22:29.
But WHY? Exactly why should a 5. Do the HUMBLE and OBEDIENT
Christian FAST? Why did the Messiah fast? receive riches, honor and eternal life from
Why did the apostle Paul fast? What is fasting YEHOVAH God? Proverbs 22:4. But must the
and WHY SHOULD YOU FAST? attitude of humility ALWAYS PRECEDE honor
from YEHOVAH God? Proverbs 15:33.
The PURPOSE of Fasting 6. Are people “naturally humble”? Do
their minds have a humble approach to Almighty
Some have thought that fasting is a kind God by NATURE? Romans 8:7. What is the
of PENANCE -- that YEHOVAH God is pleased NATURAL proclivity of our human nature?
if we “punish” ourselves by a fast. James 4:5. What are the other thoughts and
Fasting in order to drive a “bargain” with actions of the natural, hostile, carnal mind?
YEHOVAH God -- fasting in order to try to bend Galatians 5:19-21.
YEHOVAH to YOUR way of thinking, in order COMMENT: Envy, strife, jealousy,
to get your own way or your own WILL about etc., come from a stubborn, unyielding attitude
some matter -- is an ABOMINATION to YE- that is anything but humble! This is the natural,
HOVAH God! It is ABSOLUTELY WRONG! carnal mind with which you and I were born. The
We fast to DRAW CLOSER to YEHO- natural mind is not and CANNOT, OF ITSELF,
VAH God -- to get our minds off the world and be truly humble.
the flesh and ON YEHOVAH! Some might call themselves “naturally
Fasting -- doing WITHOUT ANY food humble”. But in Jeremiah 17:9, YEHOVAH
and water -- also teaches a vital, priceless calls the carnal mind what it really is:
Why Christians Should Fast