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Lesson 35 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 11
4. How did YEHOVAH intervene to A DOOMED City Spared!
deliver Judah? Verses 22-24.
COMMENT: YEHOVAH God heard 1. Was the prophet Jonah commissioned
the cry of the people because they came seeking by YEHOVAH God to take a warning message
Him with earnest FASTING and sincere of impending doom and destruction to the
PRAYER. Once again fasting accompanied with SINNING people of Nineveh? Jonah 1:1-2 and
heartfelt prayer brought results! YEHOVAH 3:4.
God heard and miraculously crushed several 2. How large was this leading Assyrian
mighty armies by causing them to fall upon each city of that time? Jonah 3:3.
other and DESTROY THEMSELVES! COMMENT: A three days’ journey
5. Were the people also blessed with meant that Nineveh was a huge, sprawling city.
great riches after YEHOVAH defeated the Jonah walked through this vast city, proclaiming
enemy? Verse 25. How many days did it take the destruction YEHOVAH was to bring upon it
them to cart off the spoils? because of its many sins. Jonah was taking a
6. Did YEHOVAH God also strike great message directly from Almighty God to the
fear into the surrounding nations for Judah’s SIN-LADEN, HAUGHTY peoples of this Assy-
future safety? Verses 29-30. rian metropolis.
COMMENT: What a tre- mendous 3. Did the people of Nineveh BELIEVE
result of earnest fasting and sincere
prayer! The chips were down -- the
odds were against them. All
looked hopeless -- but the entire
nation turned to YEHOVAH God
for help and He blessed them
beyond their wildest expectations!
But how about YOU?
When YOU are faced with a
seemingly insurmountable prob-
lem, what do YOU do about it? Do
you attempt to fight it with your
own infinitesimal human strength?
Do you FAST, and commit your The site of ancient Nineveh. YEHOVAH God sent Jonah to warn
problems into YEHOVAH’s pow- this great Assyrian metropolis of its impending doom.
erful hands?
YEHOVAH God is no re- YEHOVAH’s warning? Jonah 3:5. Was a
specter of persons. He will intervene for YOU as FAST proclaimed for ALL the population?
much as for King Jehoshaphat and Judah. If you Same verse.
HUMBLE yourself before YEHOVAH by 4. When the news of Jonah’s dire mes-
FASTING and PRAY for His divine inter- sage reached the king, did he command a
vention and power, you ALSO will see your COMPLETE FAST for EVERY LIVING
problems “fall upon each other” and DESTROY THING in the city? Jonah 3:6-7. Did the king
THEMSELVES! also order the people to turn from their evil ways
-- to REPENT of the sins they were committing
-- and PRAY for YEHOVAH’s mercy? Verses
Why Christians Should Fast