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Lesson 35 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 15
very agent -- SIN -- that CUTS THEM OFF from An UNWISE, OVER-LENGTHY FAST
YEHOVAH and brings CURSES upon them! CAN PROVE FATAL!
When one seeks YEHOVAH God with Moses, Elijah, and the Messiah were able
PRAYER and FASTING, his whole intent to fast forty days. They were physically in far
should be that of meekly surrendering to better and stronger condition than most of us
YEHOVAH’s will. Often this means a today. It would be almost totally impossible for a
COMPLETE CHANGE in thoughts, attitudes, person today to fast forty days without food and
and habits. One must be willing to SURREN- water and NOT DIE!
ing every thought into captivity to Yeshua the UNWISE FOR YOU!
Messiah (II Corinthians 10:5). NEVER GO TO EXTREMES! Gener-
This is the kind of fasting YEHOVAH ally, one to three days’ fasting is enough.
God RESPECTS and ACCEPTS. But WHEN should you fast?
A one-day fast may be taken anytime
How Long? and When? during the week. But if your work is strenuous
and you feel fasting would hinder you in your
The Bible does not set specific time job, perhaps Sunday would be the best time.
limits for each kind of fasting, except for the Day While working at your job, it usually will
of Atonement which is a commanded DAY- not be possible to fast much more than a day or
LONG fast -- from sunset to sunset -- as we two at a time. During such fasts you should
already know. utilize the normal mealtime for sincere,
David fasted for SEVEN DAYS when heart-rending PRAYERS TO YEHOVAH GOD
his child by Bathsheba was sick unto death (II -- devoted to the specific reasons for fasting.
Samuel 12:16-18), doing without nourishment If you feel the need for a longer fast from
of any kind. But this was a very SERIOUS time to time, you can use the opportunities that
matter. David had committed an ENORMOUS vacations and certain “days off" afford us. There
SIN in YEHOVAH’s sight! He knew he had to will certainly be times during the year when you
TOTALLY REPENT and have his heart cleaned may employ several days in a row for fasting.
up by the spirit of YEHOVAH God (Psalm If you contemplate a three-day fast, you
51:1-19). might find it more convenient to fast over the
Generally speaking, fasting for spiritual weekend. A fast from Friday through Sunday
reasons may be from one to three days. If the will not generally interfere greatly with one’s
problem is serious, or the need URGENT, it work. And during the weekend you will also
certainly would not be wrong to fast longer. But have MORE TIME to draw close to YEHOVAH
in the case of longer fasts, GREAT CARE needs God through BIBLE STUDY and PRAYER.
to be maintained! One caution needs to be observed,
Moses, Elijah, and the Messiah himself however. Since the Sabbath is a HOLY DAY of
are the only three examples in the Bible where a YEHO- VAH God and a FEAST DAY, it is not
servant of YEHOVAH God fasted FORTY generally advisable to spend the Sabbath fasting.
DAYS. They had very SPECIAL missions to But on certain occasions it is permissible,
perform and had to prepare themselves with especially if the spiritual problem is URGENT.
prolonged fasting and prayer. But such fasting However, since the Sabbath IS a feast, you
for this degenerate age is absolutely NOT should NOT make it your CONSTANT
advisable for you, OR ANYONE ELSE!! ROUTINE to fast every Sabbath!
Fasting MUST NOT BE CONTINUED If you ever think you should fast for
TOO LONG! LONGER than three days, you should definitely
Why Christians Should Fast