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12 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 35
8-9. COMMENT: YEHOVAH God heard
COMMENT: The king was absolutely and delivered them. He saw how sincere they
TERRIFIED by Jonah’s message of impending were -- He saw their FASTING and heard their
doom! He began fasting himself and com- PRAYERS -- and He protected them!
manded EVERYONE else to fast -- INCLUD- 2. Is this example, as well as others
ING ALL THE ANIMALS! This Gentile king we’ve studied, for YOUR benefit -- for your
MEANT BUSINESS! learning and instruction? Romans 15:4 and I
And so the people of Nineveh followed Corinthians 10:11. Are you FOLLOWING IT?
the king’s example and command -- they HUM- 3. How did Daniel, on a previous occa-
BLED themselves before YEHOVAH God by sion, approach YEHOVAH God when he
fasting and REPENTED of their sins. desired SPECIAL UNDERSTANDING? Dan-
5. Did YEHOVAH God notice the iel 9:3. Also READ Daniel’s prayer to YEHO-
people’s fasting and repentance? Verse 10, first VAH in verses 4-20.
part. Did He therefore spare them in His mercy? COMMENT: Daniel humbled himself
Same verse, last part. before YEHOVAH God by FASTING! He also
6. Did the Messiah mention this marvel- confessed his sins and the sins of his people, and
ous example of repentance to the self-righteous claimed YEHOVAH’s mercies and forgive-
Pharisees? Matthew 12:41. In the Great White nesses.
Throne Judgment resurrection, will the example 4. When his fervent prayer was ended,
of these people condemn the vain and haughty did the archangel Gabriel come to give him the
Pharisees for their rejection of the Messiah’s understanding he sought? Verses 21-23.
warning to repent? 5. Later, did Daniel once again seek
COMMENT: YEHOVAH God with- special understanding by fasting and prayer?
held destruction from the great city of Nineveh Daniel 10: 2-3, 12.
because the people were willing to CHANGE COMMENT: Daniel FASTED and
THEIR WAYS! They believed YEHOVAH’s PRAYED. He was “greatly beloved” because of
warning message and REPENTED of their sins. his sincerely repentant and obedient attitude
And they fasted in order to get off their “high toward YEHOVAH God. From the first day he
horses” of vanity and show YEHOVAH God began “chastening” himself WITH FASTING,
they were in DEAD EARNEST about seeking his prayers were HEARD! YEHOVAH sent the
His forgiveness and mercy! archangel Gabriel to reveal some of the most
YEHOVAH God heard their sincere, vital prophecies of the Bible!
earnest prayers and SPARED them! YEHOVAH’s servants have always
been FASTING servants! Fasting has helped to
The Judahites Learn a Lesson change their lives and has LITERALLY
Ezra was another man of YEHOVAH VAH miraculously INTERVENED because His
God who knew the value of fasting. When the people FASTED!
children of Judah were about to return from They HUMBLED themselves by
Babylon, he realized that many perils lay in their afflicting their bodies with fasting -- admitting
path. He was frightened lest enemies fall upon that they were insufficient of themselves. They
his defenceless group, slay them, and scatter EXTOLLED YEHOVAH’S GREATNESS, His
them to the winds. Notice what he did. divine might and power, and DEPENDED upon
1. Did Ezra order the people to FAST and Him. They admitted their carnality and sinful
PRAY to YEHOVAH God for protection? Ezra human nature -- they FASTED AND REPENT-
8:21-22. Did YEHOVAH answer? Verse 23. ED of their sins!
Why Christians Should Fast