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10 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 35
17-24 and SUMMARIZE in your own words. 8. Did Manasseh also PRAY to YEHO-
2. When Ahab heard Elijah’s prophetic VAH God WHILE he fasted? Verse 13. Did he
words, he was frightened -- TERRIFIED! What come to know that the Eternal God is the TRUE
did he then proceed to do -- fast? Verse 27. The God? Did YEHOVAH hear and accept the
words “and went SOFTLY” shows that Ahab humble supplications of REPENTANT King
displayed REGRET even in his gait! Manasseh and deliver him and his people?
3. What did YEHOVAH say after He 9. After Manasseh repented, what action
saw Ahab’s repentant actions -- his regret and did he take to CORRECT his past evil ways?
FASTING? Verse 29. Verses 14-15. In what other way did Manasseh
COMMENT: Because Ahab sincerely display positive obedience to the true God?
HUMBLED himself before YEHOVAH God, Verse 16.
the punishment was POSTPONED until after his COMMENT: Manasseh COMPLETE-
death! LY REVERSED his foul, haughty and diso-
4. Just how wicked was King Manasseh bedient attitude! He sought YEHOVAH God by
when he took over the rulership of Judah after FASTING and PRAYER. He humbled himself
the death of his father, Hezekiah? Read II before YEHOVAH very greatly and prayed for
Chronicles 33:1-9 and SUMMARIZE in your the deliverance of his nation and himself. YE-
own words. HOVAH heard -- YEHOVAH INTERVENED
COMMENT: King Manasseh is -- and YEHOVAH God Almighty DELIVERED
recorded as having been one of the most wicked him and his people, and restored Manasseh’s
kings in Israel’s history. He led Judah in idolatry Kingdom!
for over thirty years! It’s never too late for even the extremely
5. Did Manasseh make the nation to sin wicked to turn to YEHOVAH God if they sin-
MORE THAN the heathen peoples who possess- cerely want to. But they must take positive,
ed the land before the children of Israel? II REPENTANT ACTION as Manasseh did!
Kings 21:10-11. Did Manasseh MURDER
many innocent people? Verse 16. What was YEHOVAH God Delivers King Jehoshaphat
YEHOVAH going to do to the nation for its vile
sins? Verses 12-15. Another example is that of King
6. Did King Manasseh and His people Jehoshaphat of Judah.
heed YEHOVAH’s warnings? II Chronicles 1. Did a huge heathen army menacingly
33:10. As punishment for their sins, did approach Jerusalem to do battle? II Chronicles
YEHOVAH cause the nation to be taken into 20:1-2. What was Jehoshaphat’s reaction? Did
captivity by the cruel Assyrians? II Chronicles he trust in his OWN military might, as the United
33:11. States would do today, if attacked? Or did be set
7. Everything now seemed lost -- it himself to seek YEHOVAH’s help by proclaim-
looked hopeless for Manasseh and all Judah! In ing a FAST throughout the land of Judah?
this terrible state of affairs, what did King Verses 3-4.
Manasseh finally do? II Chronicles 33:12. 2. Did fervent, sincere PRAYER accom-
COMMENT: Remember that in the pany their fasting? Verses 5-12. In verses 8-9,
Bible “humble” is often synonymous with was Jehoshaphat reminding YEHOVAH God of
“fast.” So Manasseh “humbled himself” before His promise to Solomon? II Chronicles 7:13-
YEHOVAH God by FASTING! When the Bible 14.
says Manasseh humbled himself GREATLY, it 3. What did YEHOVAH God answer the
means he spent a great deal of time fasting king through His prophet? II Chronicles
before the Eternal God. 20:15-17.
Why Christians Should Fast