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Lesson 35 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 13
As a result, YEHOVAH heard their How NOT to Fast
ED AND BLESSED THEM! Certain cautions need to be made plain,
BUT WHAT ABOUT YOU? so that when you fast, it will NOT be IN VAIN.
Is fasting a part of YOUR Christian life? Fasting is a PERSONAL matter. It is
between YEHOVAH God and YOU! Others
What About YOU? should not know you are fasting unless it is your
mate or some other member of your family who
Does your life lack real SPIRITUAL is directly affected by your not eating. You
IMPACT? Are you bogging down in countless should be especially careful not to fast as did the
problems, trials, difficulties and frustrations? hypocritical Scribes and Pharisees.
Then YOU NEED TO FAST! 1. What did the Messiah warn his
If you have been drawing CLOSE TO disciples about INSINCERE fasting? Matthew
YEHOVAH GOD by prayer, Bible study AND 6:16.
occasional FASTING as Yeshua the Messiah COMMENT: The Scribes and Phari-
COMMANDS US to do, then you will be sees of the Messiah’s day did not fast for the
GROWING SPIRITUALLY! deep spiritual purpose that the Messiah intended.
You’ll be conquering your human nature They fasted out of pure VANITY! They fasted to
and learning to submit to the WILL OF YEHO- get the approbation of MEN -- not YEHOVAH
VAH GOD. You will be receiving -- if you’ve God!
been converted -- the POWER OF THE HOLY When they fasted, they deliberately let
SPIRIT to zealously serve YEHOVAH God as their hair hang down and would not wash their
you should! You’ll be a spiritual MIGHTY faces. They walked about the streets in a
MAN OR WOMAN OF VALOR, instead of a downcast, dejected manner with grimaces of
spiritual WEAKLING! pain written all over their faces -- all the time
YEHOVAH exhorts YOU, and ALL BRAGGING about their fasting.
Christians, “therefore also now, saith the Lord, These hypocritical Scribes and Pharisees
turn ye even to me with ALL YOUR HEART, were fasting to be SEEN OF MEN -- not
AND WITH FASTING, and with weeping, and YEHOVAH God! They wanted others to SEE
with mourning: and rend your HEART, and not them and say, “Oh, look at that poor fellow. He’s
your garments, and turn unto the Lord your God: FASTING!” These hypocrites hoped the people
for He is GRACIOUS AND MERCIFUL, would think they were very RIGHTEOUS men.
SLOW TO ANGER, and of GREAT KIND- The Pharisees were guilty of fasting
NESS, and repenteth Him (or changes His mind) INSINCERELY! The Messiah commands us
of the evil. Who knoweth if He will return and NOT to fast in this manner.
repent, and LEAVE A BLESSING behind Him 2. How did Yeshua say we should fast?
... ?" (Joel 2:12-14). Matthew 6:17-18.
YEHOVAH has shown you His will COMMENT: The Messiah tells us to
about fasting. True Christians plainly NEED TO WASH our faces and COMB our hair -- to
FAST! YOU have only YOURSELF to blame if SMILE when we fast. Why? Because your
you fail to obey YEHOVAHGod in this vital fasting is to be seen of YEHOVAH GOD -- not
point of His Word! men!
3. Did YEHOVAH rebuke His ancient
Write for: The Awesome Power of Ear- people for fasting in vain? Zechariah 7:5-7.
nest Prayer! COMMENT: Fasting for VANITY IS
AGELESS! Fasting -- yet not having your heart
Why Christians Should Fast