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8 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 38
COMMENT: Abraham
had the kind of faithful obedience
YEHOVAH requires of all Chris-
tians. But what a sad lack of that
kind of LIVING FAITH there is
today! People do not believe
Word! They dont FEAR YEHO-
VAH or want to OBEY Him!
Noah Built in Faith
Another very inspiring
example of LIVING FAITH is the
life of righteous Noah, who
walked with God over four thou- Noah and his sons building the ark. During construction
sand years ago. doubting skeptics jeered Noah until just before the rains
1. Was the land in Noahs began. Noahs FAITHFUL OBEDIENCE to YEHOVAH God
day full of heinous wickedness and saved him from the great flood which destroyed sinful
crimes? Genesis 6:5, 11-12. mankind in the land.
2. What punishment did
YEHOVAH God pronounce upon the land for its men labored to complete the ark. This was a
project unprecedented in the history of that
grievous sins? Genesis 6:7. By what means of world. The ENTIRE land eventually heard about
destruction? Verse 17. it! For scores of years YEHOVAH God gave the
3. But who in the land of rampant sin
found grace, or FAVOR, in YEHOVAHs sight? land a WITNESS against its sins through Noahs
faithful obedience (Hebrews 11:7).
Genesis 6:8. Why did YEHOVAH especially 5. Was there ANY PHYSICAL EVI-
show mercy to Noah? Was it because Noah DENCE such a destructive flood would -- or
walked with God -- obeyed Him implicitly? could come upon the land? Hebrews 11:7.
Verse 9 and II Peter 2:5. Notice the words not seen as yet. Never-
4. YEHOVAH God instructed Noah to
build an enormous ship in which he and his theless, did Noah do ALL that YEHOVAH
commanded him in absolute trusting, UN-
family were to ESCAPE the great flood QUESTIONING FAITH? Same verse.
(Genesis 6:14-16). How did Noah DEMON- COMMENT: Despite physical circum-
STRATE FAITH in YEHOVAHs promise of stances and appearances, Noah OBEYED YE-
physical SALVATION from the penalty of the HOVAH in faith. He built the ark, although there
lands sins? Genesis 6:22 and Hebrews 11:7. was NO OBVIOUS REASON for doing so!
COMMENT: Notice that Noah DID
Noah continually suffered the scorn, the
something! He PERFORMED ALL that YEHO- abuse and ridicule -- the persecution -- of all the
VAH God commanded him. Noah had HIS taunting skeptics around him. But Noah contin-
PART to PERFORM before he could receive ued to believe YEHOVAH God. In ABSOLUTE
YEHOVAHs promise of PHYSICAL SALVA- FAITH, he trusted the Eternal Creator God
TION from the flood. Faith and actions -- whom he knew COULD NOT LIE!
OBEDIENCE -- GO hand in hand! And so YEHOVAH TESTED Noah all
For many decades Noah and his work-
What It Means To Live By Faith