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12 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 38

COMMENT: The FALSE teaching 4. But will only those who OBEY YE-
being spread by professing Christianity today is HOVAH’s spiritual law be justified? Romans
that Yeshua the Messiah kept YEHOVAH’s 2:13.
holy spiritual law in our STEAD -- that WE COMMENT: The Messiah saves us
DON’T HAVE TO KEEP IT! And so millions FROM our sins, not IN our sins. Then there are
today believe YEHOVAH God IMPUTES the prior conditions. We must believe, repent, and
Messiah’s righteousness to us, counting us as be willing to obey.
righteous -- when we are NOT! We are justified, or FORGIVEN our past
This is another CLEVER LIE of Satan sins, by our faith in the shed blood of Yeshua the
the Devil to deceive mankind into DISOBEY- Messiah -- NOT by keeping YEHOVAH’s law!
ING YEHOVAH’s spiritual law! (Romans 3:20.) But this justification will be
No, Yeshua didn’t live a good life FOR given only on the CONDITION that we RE-
YOU -- in your STEAD! YOU are not excused PENT of our transgressions of YEHOVAH’s
from keeping YEHOVAH’s Commandments -- spiritual law, and then begin OBEYING it!
from living a righteous, holy life. You’re not 5. Must those who are “justified” live
excused from overcoming, growing in spiritual their lives of obedience by FAITH? Hebrews
character, and enduring in spite of all opposition, 10:38 and Romans 1:17. By WHOSE faith is a
persecution, trial and test unto the end. You and I Christian’s righteousness -- obedience to YE-
must actually DO THESE THINGS in order to HOVAH’s spiritual law -- made possible?
inherit eternal life! Philippians 3:9 and Romans 3:22.
This is a great mystery to those who 6. Whose faith does the collective True
don’t understand! Since we MUST DO these Ecclesia of YEHOVAH God have today?
things to be saved, yet are utterly unable to do Revelation 14:12.
them of OURSELVES, it is natural to conclude COMMENT: The spirit-begotten mem-
either that YEHOVAH God commissioned the bers of YEHOVAH’s True Ecclesia have the
Messiah to do it for us and excuse us from very “FAITH OF JESUS.” It’s not just OUR
accomplishing it, or else to become discouraged faith in him, but HIS faith -- the very spiritual
and be tempted to quit even trying! faith through which he performed his miracles
The true answer is the KEY to salvation! and obeyed YEHOVAH’s laws -- placed IN US
And the true answer is FAITH! FAITH in and ACTING IN US!
YEHOVAH’s POWER -- the same kind of 7. Does the Bible call Yeshua the
LIVING FAITH the Messiah had! “author” and “finisher” of our faith? Hebrews
2. Did the apostle Paul really say the law 12:2. What does this mean?
of YEHOVAH God is made VOID -- done COMMENT: A more accurate trans-
away, or rendered unnecessary to keep -- lation of the words “author” and “finisher” is
through faith? Romans 3:31. Is faith WITH- PIONEER and PERFECTER. And so the Mes-
OUT OBEDIENCE a DEAD FAITH? James 2: siah led the way, setting us the supreme
20-22. EXAMPLE of living faith. But the Messiah also
COMMENT: Faith ESTABLISHES the PERFECTS his faith IN us! Here’s how:
law! By keeping it, faith is made perfect! 8. Did the apostle Paul plainly state that
Yet, can we keep the commandments? Is the Messiah lived in him? Galatians 2:20. How
it really possible? Here’s the PLAIN TRUTH! did the Messiah live in him? Philippians 2:5 and
3. Are we “justified” -- forgiven our past Romans 8:9-10. Then did Paul live his life by
sins -- reconciled to YEHOVAH God -- through THE MESSIAH’S FAITH? Galatians 2:20.
our faith in the sacrifice of the Messiah? COMMENT: Paul didn’t live by his
Romans 3:24-26, 28. OWN faith. Yeshua the Messiah dwelt in Paul

What It Means To “Live By Faith”
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