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14 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 38

EVIL (Jeremiah 17:9; Romans 8:7). We must Messiah. Paul was the INSTRUMENT through
QUIT SINNING and SINCERELY DESIRE to which the Messiah worked!
begin living by all of YEHOVAH’s Command- YEHOVAH God does not change
ments! (Malachi 3:6). He is the same today as when He
Then we must show our OWN firm faith, lived in the Messiah, and the Messiah will live in
or belief, in the sacrifice of the blood of Yeshua you just as he did in the apostle Paul if you
the Messiah to pay the death penalty which our actually GIVE your very SELF -- your will, your
past sins have incurred. Upon OUR implicit faith desires and your complete MIND -- into YEHO-
in the fact of his death -- our acceptance of him VAH’s hands!
as our personal Savior from our sins -- and then Then you can have the same positive
our baptism in water, YEHOVAH God is attitude as the apostle Paul and say, “I can do all
spirit! STRENGTHENETH ME" (Philippians 4:13).
Yes, it does take OUR OWN FAITH TO
believe in the sacrifice of Yeshua the Messiah Faith Must Be Alive and Growing!
for our sins. But when the holy spirit comes into
us, then we have the FAITH OF THE MESSIAH 1. Once we receive YEHOVAH’s holy
implanted within us. This is SAVING FAITH! spirit, must the faith that it imparts GROW? II
And it all comes as a FREE GIFT from Thessalonians 1:3.
YEHOVAH God! COMMENT: Faith is NOT implanted
3. How must we present ourselves to whole and complete when we receive the spirit
YEHOVAH God every day to assure our of YEHOVAH God. Faith must GROW. It
CONTINUED receipt of His holy spirit and the needs to be nourished in order to develop into
FAITH of Yeshua the Messiah? Romans complete and perfect faith.
12:1-2. We might compare faith to a grain of
COMMENT: YEHOVAH’s way to mustard seed. Faith must CONTINUOUSLY
faith and power is the direct OPPOSITE of the GROW to maturity. It has to be ALIVE! It starts
FALSE ways of this world! YEHOVAH’s way small, just like the grain of mustard seed, but it
is the way of GETTING RID OF SELF, of must GROW into perfection.
THROWING AWAY the rebellious, cast-iron Here’s how it must be developed.
human will that is CONTRARY to YEHOVAH 2. Contrary to what professing “Chris-
God -- of CONTINUALLY CRUCIFYING tianity” believes today, what must be ADDED
THE OLD SELF WITH THE MESSIAH! TO faith to make it alive and perfect? James
4. Was the apostle Paul a “living sacri- 2:14-20, 26.
fice”? Galatians 2:20. Was he crucified with the COMMENT: But how can that be? Can
Messiah through BAPTISM? Romans 6:3-6. faith grow to perfection by works?
COMMENT: Paul was crucified with Yes, because faith must be PRAC-
the Messiah -- buried SYMBOLICALLY in the TICED! Faith needs EXERCISE, just as the
watery grave of baptism. The “old Paul” DIED! mustard plant needs sunlight, moisture and soil
He then came up out of the water a new to grow!
SPIRITUAL MAN, now having received the 3. Let’s re-examine the example of
spirit of YEHOVAH God and the faith of Abraham -- the “Father” of the faithful. How did
Yeshua the Messiah. The Messiah then lived in YEHOVAH PERFECT faith in Abraham?
Paul -- guided, helped and inspired him through James 2:21-24, especially verse 22.
the power of the holy spirit. He was able to live a COMMENT: When YEHOVAH God
different, OBEDIENT life by the FAITH of the put Abraham to the test, did Abraham just sit

What It Means To “Live By Faith”
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