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Lesson 38 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 15
back and say, I have faith and yet do nothing NOT BEING HEALED!
about it? No! Abraham simply OBEYED 2. What are we instructed to do today
YEHOVAH God by ACTING ON FAITH. He when were sick? James 5:14. Are we healed
offered up his only son as the PROOF of his through FAITH? Verse 15. Faith in what? I
faith. Abraham had active, DYNAMIC, LIV- Peter 2:21, 24 and Isaiah 53:5.
ING FAITH! COMMENT: As we learned in the
And so faith needs to grow to maturity Passover lesson, the Messiahs body was cut
BY EXPERIENCE! YOU must USE the open and mutilated by the stripes he received as
Messiahs faith -- ACT ON IT -- to INCREASE well as the terrible stoning he received while
Specific Applications of Faith
Since faith must be acted
upon by WORKS, we can now see
why the apostle John said: And
whatsoever we ask, we receive of
SIGHT" (I John 3:22).
It not only takes faith to
know that we will receive what we
ask for in prayer, but it also TAKES
OUR OBEDIENCE TO YEHOVAH Open heart surgery. Patients often face costly doctor and
GOD to PROVE that our faith is hospital bills, painful suffering and sometimes premature
active and living. death because they lack faith in the God Who reveals Himself
1. Physical healing by faith in as our Healer.
YEHOVAHs power is another nailed to the tree. This was for our physical
promise YEHOVAH God gives us in the Bible. healing. The Messiah suffered tremendous
Where do we find the first historical account of PHYSICAL PAIN when he was scourged and
this promise of direct divine healing? Exodus stoned in order to pay the PENALTY -- the pain
15:25-26. and the suffering -- of our physical trans-
COMMENT: For centuries, Israels gressions IN OUR STEAD!
only means of healing was through the power of When you are sick, do you completely
YEHOVAH God Almighty. He was their TRUST YEHOVAH God to heal you by the
HEALER! There were no doctors or physicians power of His holy spirit? Or do you trust in
in Israel. That is, not until they began to turn to costly, PAINFUL and sometimes FATAL
the pagan ways of the heathen nations around methods of doctors with their knives and drugs?
them. So whether its healing, keeping YEHO-
The same conditions of obedience to VAHs weekly or annual Sabbaths and other
YEHOVAHs commandments and not looking commandments, remember; Faith without
to other gods for our healing apply today. works is DEAD" (James 2:20). YEHOVAH
Because of not abiding by these conditions, a lot God expects us to do OUR PART by ACTING
of people who have a little understanding about on the faith of Yeshua the Messiah! YEHOVAH
divine healing, and actually believe in it, are
What It Means To Live By Faith