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Lesson 38 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 11
The Messiah Had LIVING FAITH 5:30.
COMMENT: Think of it! Even the very
Now lets look at the example of Yeshua chosen (adopted) Son of God said he could do
the Messiah. When the Messiah walked the earth NOTHING by himself!! The Messiah had
had MORE faith than any man who ever lived! FAITH IN HIMSELF! How much LESS, then,
Few realize that what he did -- his can you and I accomplish BY TRUSTING IN
obedience to YEHOVAHs laws and the OURSELVES?
miracles he performed -- was not done by any 5. Then HOW was the Messiah able to
supernatural power of his OWN. EVERY- OBEY YEHOVAH God perfectly and perform
THING he did was done literally THROUGH great miracles -- what was the SOURCE of the
FAITH in YEHOVAHs POWER, setting for us Messiahs dynamic faith? John 14:10.
a marvellous example. COMMENT: The FATHER who lived
1. Did the Messiah plainly say he was IN the Messiah through His holy spirit did the
commissioned as a messenger to reveal a mes- mighty works which the Messiah performed,
sage from YEHOVAH God the Father to and made his obedience possible! THE
mankind? John 8:38, 42. MESSIAH DID NOT HAVE ONE IOTA OF
COMMENT: Unfortunately these SELF-CONFIDENCE, but HE HAD ALL
verses have been corrupted by early New CONFIDENCE -- ABSOLUTE FAITH -- IN
Testament translators to imply that the Messiah YEHOVAHS POWER! YESHUA THE
had pre-existed in heaven and was sent from MESSIAH HAD THE FAITH OF YEHOVAH
heaven. Correctly rendered from the Greek, GOD!
these verses should read as follows:
I say what my Father has revealed to Obeying by the Faith of the Messiah
me; you do what your father has told you! and
Jesus told them, If God was your Father, you Most professing Christians believe in a
would love me, for I have been commanded DEAD faith of mere BELIEF in the FACTS of
[commissioned] by God to come to you; and it the Messiahs existence and his sacrifice for the
was not from my own self that I came, except He sins of mankind. They dont believe there is
sent [commissioned] me. anything MORE for them to DO.
2. As YEHOVAHs commissioned Is this the kind of DEAD FAITH youve
messenger of the New Covenant, what was the been trusting in all these years?
Messiahs teaching concerning the Fathers Think for a moment! Could a just God
REQUIREMENTS for becoming a member of command men to do what is IMPOSSIBLE? Or
His Family? Matthew 19:16-17. Was the can we conceive of the Messiah as a smart aleck
Messiah talking about the Ten Commandments? young man who knew more than his Father and
Verses 18-19. therefore DID AWAY with his Fathers com-
COMMENT: The Messiah mentioned mandments? How absurd! Yet this is the popular
several of the TEN COMMANDMENTS! There teaching today!
is no question as to which law we must keep in But the no-law deceiver will continue to
order to inherit eternal life. argue, No man can keep the commandments.
3. Did the Messiah keep YEHOVAHs Since FAITH has come, we keep no law -- faith
commandments? John 15:10. Did he keep them has made it VOID!
PERFECTLY? Hebrews 4:15. 1. Are these no-law deceivers actually
4. Did the Messiah say he COULD OF ministers of Satan the devil? II Corinthians
HIMSELF do absolutely NOTHING? John 11:13-15.
What It Means To Live By Faith