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Lesson 38 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 13
through the holy spirit. And the spirit of YEHO- which brings everything spiritual, then we,
VAH God implanted in Pauls mind the SAME ourselves, would earn our own salvation by
KIND of faith that can be in YOUR mind! This OUR WORKS! It would be the kind of
faith -- the very faith of Yeshua the Messiah righteousness that is as FILTHY RAGS to
living in you -- will enable you to live a righteous YEHOVAH God!
life, obeying all of YEHOVAHs Command- The scripture above speaks only of THE
ments, as did the apostle Paul. FAITH OF CHRIST! Yes, THE MESSIAHS
But exactly HOW does having the faith faith -- not YOUR FAITH. Yeshua had REAL
of the Messiah enable us to obey YEHOVAH FAITH -- YEHOVAHS FAITH! And the
God? Lets understand. Messiah in us gives -- imparts -- HIS strong faith
9. Does LOVE fulfill YEHOVAHs to you and me which TRUSTS YEHOVAH
law? Romans 13:10. What kind of love? GOD TO MAKE OUR SPIRITUAL
impart the love we need to fulfill, or OBEY, the BLE.
law? Same verse.
COMMENT: Too many command- How to Receive the Messiahs Faith
ment keepers are struggling along, trying to
keep YEHOVAHs commandments by their 1. Is the very faith of Yeshua the
own power and strength -- thinking it is THEIR Messiah, by which we receive eternal salvation,
OWN personal human love that fulfills a GIFT of YEHOVAH God? Ephesians 2:8-9.
YEHOVAHs spiritual Law! These command- Is this faith one of the attributes of the holy
ment keepers have only been converted to the spirit? Galatians 5:22. Does it enable you to do
ARGUMENT of keeping YEHOVAHs com- good works -- to OBEY YEHOVAHs spirit-
mandments -- never having received His spirit! ual law? Ephesians 2:10 and 1:4.
kind of love that fulfills YEHOVAHs law and you to have the living faith that was in Yeshua
makes us righteous! LOVE is of YEHOVAH the Messiah -- the kind that overcomes sin in
God, for YEHOVAH IS love (I John 4:16). your life and enables you to obey YEHOVAHs
The Law is SPIRITUAL (Romans 7: spiritual law. But you werent born with that
14). But we are carnal by nature (Romans 8:7). kind of faith! It is a GIFT of YEHOVAH God
And so it takes a SPIRITUAL love to fulfill a imparted by His holy spirit.
spiritual law. The holy spirit placed within us is 2. Then how can you receive this kind of
YEHOVAHS LAW IN ACTION! And since faith -- the very faith of Yeshua the Messiah?
YEHOVAH alone can supply the love that Acts 2:38. Must you be WILLING to obey
makes us righteous, it becomes YEHOVAHS YEHOVAH God? Acts 5:32. And must you also
righteousness, not ours. supply your own FAITH, or belief, in some-
10. What does having the Messiahs faith thing? Acts 20:21 and I Corinthians 5:7.
in us have to do with this kind of loving COMMENT: YEHOVAH God will
obedience? Notice again Philippians 3:9. give His holy spirit and the resulting faith of the
COMMENT: YEHOVAHs love by Messiah only to those who meet these PRIOR
which we fulfill His law comes by the FAITH of CONDITIONS.
the Messiah. His faith in us TRUSTS YEHO- Repentance is toward YEHOVAH God
VAH God to give us the LOVE of the holy spirit and means that our whole self has been
which FULFILLS YEHOVAHs law -- thus CRUSHED! We UTTERLY ABHOR not only
enabling us to be righteous! our old sinful way of life, but also WHAT WE
If WE were able to supply the faith ARE -- realizing our whole human nature is
What It Means To Live By Faith