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18 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 41
only promises to keep us free from the “diseases 5. Disobedience to any of YEHOVAH’s
of Egypt” if we OBEY Him and keep His laws -- laws = SIN. And what is sin? The apostle John
including, most certainly, His divinely ordained clearly defined it in I John 3:4.
FOOD AND HEALTH LAWS! 6. And where does “sin” lead? Romans
Therefore, whether or not we observe 6:23.
YEHOVAH’s laws concerning clean and un- COMMENT: YEHOVAH God’s eter-
clean meats may not matter much to some men nal health and dietary laws were ordained for our
and women -- who fail to understand the GOOD! To break them is SIN and leads to suf-
TRUTH of YEHOVAH God and WALLOW in fering and death!
the system of this evil world, but it matters to the 7. Notice what YEHOVAH says in Deu-
Living, Eternal, True GOD! teronomy 4:6-9.
He says that He is the LORD God who COMMENT: Once we REALLY learn
HEALS us when we become sick or ill, or af- this lesson, we will be truly BLESSED!
flicted with some disease or malfunction in our
bodily system. Do we believe that? His promises
to heal are CONDITIONAL upon our OBED- Articles to Write for:
IENCE TO HIS LAWS! What could be clearer
than that? Scriptural Proof Law of Clean and
Do you really think YEHOVAH God Unclean Food Still In Force
will “heal” someone who FLOUTS His laws and
FLAUNTS their disobedience for all to see? Can Should UNCLEAN MEATS Be Eaten
we expect YEHOVAH to HEAL us of our dis- Today?
LAWS? Revealed Today!
2. Notice what YEHOVAH warns in
Deuteronomy 28:27-28 if we break His divine Heres How You Can -- Overcome
laws and transgress His commandments and for- Frustration!
sake His covenant.
COMMENT: We will pay a terrible Prayer Cloths and Special Miracles
price. May YEHOVAH God help us all to
WAKE UP, and to love and appreciate His di- The Awful Deception -- What They
vine health laws, and our loving Father who gave Havent Told You About AIDS!
them to us -- for our benefit!
3. What did the apostle John write? III Was the LAW of YEHOVAH God
John 2. Nailed to the Tree?
wake us up to the need to OBEY Him, carefully, Are the Old Testament Laws STILL in
in every aspect of our lives. Force Today?
4. What did the Messiah declare? John
10:10. Law VERSUS Grace?
COMMENT: Obedience to YEHO-
VAH’s Laws = Life and health and well-being! Is All ANIMAL FLESH Good Food?
Disobedience to the Laws of YEHOVAH God =
sickness, disease, suffering, afflictions, pain, an-
guish, sorrow and DEATH!
YEHOVAH God’s Health Laws