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14 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 41
11:28-30; John 14:27 and Philippians 4:7.
COMMENT: Perhaps the most interest-
ing point of all, however, is the FACT that medi-
cal science has proved there is a correlation
TEROL in the bloodstream. Cholesterol, a fatty,
waxy material that your body needs in limited
amounts, is a CURSE to health when it clogs vi-
tal arteries -- causing DEADLY heart attacks or,
at best, expensive heart bypass surgery. Diets
high in cholesterol may cause the blood to be
burdened; excessive amounts collect on the in-
side of the coronary arteries. Fatal coronary
heart disease has been related to diets containing
HIGH LEVELS of cholesterol and fat, though
other factors are also involved.
But what does this have to do with the
Bible? Simply this:
9. Dr. Paul Dudley White, the heart spe-
cialist who treated President Eisenhower while
he was in the White House, once quoted Leviti-
cus 7:23.
COMMENT: Animal fats are high in
cholesterol. Therefore, Dr. Paul Dudley White
asserted, “It is conceivable that a few years from
While smoking may seem manly and macho it now we medical men mar repeat to the citizens
endangers health and BREAKS the laws of of the United States of America the ADVICE
YEHOVAH God. that Moses was asked by God to present to the
children of Israel 3,000 years ago.”
tive, “potheads” become so ADDICTED to the How could Moses have known? But, of
marijuana “life-style” that they cannot give it up! course -- it wasn’t Moses’ words but YEHO-
6. What does Paul say about “psycholog- VAH God’s instructions that the Bible records!
ical addiction”? Romans 6:12-14. This is further evidence that the Biblical health
COMMENT: These and other verses laws “scooped” modern medical science by
CONDEMN smoking and cigarettes as a LUST more than 3,000 years!
OF THE FLESH that denies the body.
7. What does I Timothy 4:8 say when The Bible Versus Venereal Disease
PROPERLY translated?
COMMENT: According to Paul we Many of the moral laws of the Bible also
should EXERCISE regularly and moderately have DEFINITE health implications.
throughout our lives. This verse shows that 1. Adultery and fornication are CLEAR-
bodily exercise PROFITS “for a little while” -- LY forbidden in Scripture. Exodus 20:14, Le-
that is, in this life. viticus 18:20 and I Corinthians 6:9.
8. What about nervous stress, anxieties COMMENTS: These acts threaten not
and worries that can trigger heart attacks? Prov- only the stability of the FAMILY and SOCIE-
erbs 15:13; 17:22; Psalm 119:165; Matthew TY, but also the health of the individual. One of
YEHOVAH God’s Health Laws