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10 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 41
wonders: Have they NO FEAR of YEHOVAH chosen people; it places us “above ALL the
God? Have they paid any attention to what they nations that are upon the earth.”
have read in the Bible? If we disobey it, then we LOSE our
There is not ONE WORD in either the unique, special status in the eyes of YEHOVAH
eleventh chapter of Leviticus or the fourteenth God! If we disobey, we become “UNCLEAN,”
chapter of Deuteronomy about this being a mere impure, unchosen, just one of the milling masses
“ceremonial” or “ritualistic” law. That is utter of the unwashed multitudes, just another piece of
nonsense! This is simply YEHOVAH GOD’S driftwood on the sea of life, just another piece of
LAW -- THE LAW OF YEHOVAH. It is up to flotsam and jetsam bobbing up and down, going
us, then, to accept it, or reject it. Period. Pure and nowhere, accomplishing nothing, achieving
simple. Accept it and LIVE -- reject it and DIE a nothing.
million deaths, and sooner or latter, PERISH
FOREVER! The Words of the Prophet Isaiah
19. This crucial law of YEHOVAH God,
concerning human DIETARY needs, is repeated Isaiah the prophet wrote of the attitudes
and elaborated upon in Deuteronomy 14. Read and actions of those who forsake the laws of
verses 3 to 21. YEHOVAH God, and turn their backs on His
COMMENT: This is so important to commandments -- including, in particular, His
YEHOVAH God that He spends almost two dietary laws!
chapters in His Word dealing with the subject! 1. Notice Isaiah 65:3-4.
Do we get the point? Is what is obviously COMMENT: These are strong words of
important to YEHOVAH God also important to condemnation and warning!
us? Or does our heart condemn us when we read 2. Also notice Isaiah 66:3-4 and Isaiah
the Word of YEHOVAH God? 66:17.
20. What did YEHOVAH say to ancient COMMENT: This last passage is a
Israel? Deuteronomy 14:2. prophecy for the end time -- the LAST DAYS
21. This is almost identical to what Paul before the return of YEHOVAH God and His
says in Galatians 6:16, and Peter in I Peter 2:9. Messiah! At this time, during the END time, YE-
COMMENT: What set ancient Israel HOVAH sees many of HIS people returning to
APART from the Gentile world? What sets the the ways of the Gentiles, consuming UNFIT
Ecclesia APART from the world around us? animal flesh, even PORK, and broth of abomi-
What, in other words, makes us both different? nable things such as clam chowder, a favorite in
Answer: THE LAWS OF YEHOVAH GOD! restaurants today, and similar abominations. At
Our behavior, our obedience to the Laws Christmas time many families bake their cher-
of YEHOVAH God, is what SEPARATES us ished “Christmas ham,” following up on their
from the people around us! Some of those vital “Thanksgiving turkey.” These practices are an
LAWS that mark our behavior and set us A- offense -- an abomination -- in the sight of YE-
PART as different, “peculiar,” and which make HOVAH God!
us HOLY in the sight of YEHOVAH, are His 3. Does it make any difference to YEHO-
DIETARY LAWS! VAH God what we eat? Notice what the prophet
22. How important is this to YEHOVAH Hosea says. Hosea 4:6-7.
God? Notice Deuteronomy 14:2. COMMENT: If we reject the TRUTH
COMMENT: This law, He says in con- of YEHOVAH God, He says He will reject us! A
text, is a GIFT from Him to SET US APART very simple quid pro quo. YEHOVAH says,
from the Gentile nations that don’t know YE- “You do this, and I’ll do that.” “You ignore My
HOVAH God; it makes us a holy, separated, Law, and I’ll ignore your children, and refuse to
YEHOVAH God’s Health Laws