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Lesson 41 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 11
bless them.” “You turn your back on Me, and I’ll
turn my back on YOU.”
Peter’s Amazing Vision
Some, however, really love their shrimp
cocktails and oysters on the half-shell. They will
not give them up, without seriously prying open
their minds, any more than an oyster will give up
its “pearl” without prying open its shell.
1. They often will quote Peter’s vision in
the Book of Acts. Notice Acts 10:9-16.
2. Did Peter have doubts as to what the
vision meant? Verse 17.
COMMENT: While he was still pon-
dering it, men arrived at the house who had been
sent by Cornelius -- a Roman centurion (verses
1-2). Cornelius had also just had a vision from
YEHOVAH God, telling him to send men to the
city named Joppa, on the coast, to find a man
named Peter, who would tell him what he Peters vision recorded in Acts 10.
needed to do to be right with YEHOVAH God
(verses 3-6). message to go to the Gentiles (HOUSE OF
3. What happened while Peter was still ISRAEL or the northern Ten Tribes that were in
meditating on the meaning of the vision? Verses exile) -- whom the Judahites considered “UN-
17-23. CLEAN.” They had nothing to do with the Ten
COMMENT: The next Day Peter went Tribes but remained separated, apart, lest they be
with them back to Caesarea, and when they contaminated or “defiled” spiritually. But YE-
arrived, many people came together to hear him. HOVAH God used the vision of the heavenly
4. Read, now, verses 24-33. sheet with all the unclean animals to show Peter
COMMENT: Cornelius told Peter how that any human being -- including those of the
he had been praying and fasting, and how an an- northern Ten Tribes who were living in apostasy
gel in a vision told him to send men to Peter, who -- whom YEHOVAH has cleansed, and for-
would instruct them. given, must NOT be considered “UNCLEAN”
5. What conclusion did Peter come to spiritually, but fully accepted as a brother in the
regarding the vision he had seen? Verses 34-35. Messiah!
COMMENT: Peter then proceeded to This vision, therefore, HAD ABSO-
tell them about the Messiah -- the ANOINTED LUTELY NOTHING WHATEVER to do with
ONE CHOSEN by YEHOVAH God, and as he all flesh of unclean animals being suddenly
spoke the holy spirit fell on Cornelius and “all mysteriously “changed” so that it could be con-
them which heard the word.” sumed by Christians everywhere! Absolutely
6. Why were those with Peter aston- NOT! This was merely a vision -- not a reality.
ished? Verse 45. And it was a symbol of Gentiles being cleansed
COMMENT: What was the whole and accepted into the Ecclesia -- NOT of any
lesson in this event? YEHOVAH God was changes in the NATURE of wild beasts, vermin,
opening the door for the truth of the gospel creepy crawlies, or unclean animal flesh!
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