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P. 7

Lesson 41 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 7

Sheep are also CLEAN animals that YEHOVAH
created to be eaten.

Now, what about the UNCLEAN ani-
mals that YEHOVAH God forbids us to eat?
These animals are called “omnivores,” and will
eat almost anything. Their alimentary canal is
much shorter, and as a result of their eating
habits, they are much more prone to be di-
sease-carriers. The popular “pig,” for example,
can carry up to 200 different diseases, and 18
different worms and other parasites! Pigs carry Morphology of Infective Muscle Trichinella
large round worms, which can be 18 inches long, Worm.
the gullet worm, three kinds of stomach worms,
a tiny hair worm, a hookworm, and the thorn- which oozes a greenish substance which is an
headed worm -- all in the small intestine. Several avenue of elimination for the TOXIC POISONS
species of nodular worms, and one species of the the hog has ingested. If these outlets are stopped
whip worm, and the kidney worm, exist in the up, greenish sores appear on the hog’s body. The
large intestine. hog is nothing but Nature’s walking, rooting,
One worm parasite that infects many
pigs is trichinella spiralis, which causes a Shrimp -- a popular food that is UNCLEAN and
disease known as trichinosis -- for which, even forbidden by YEHOVAH to be eaten!
today, there is NO known cure. The trichinae
worms are so small that only a highly trained
inspector using a powerful microscope can de-
tect their presence.
The hog has an omnivorous appetite and
a POORLY built stomach. Within three hours of
its eating putrid carrion, swill from the trough, or
the feces of other animals, it may be butchered
and served on a dining table as a “pork roast” or
“pork chops.” But is the flesh “clean”? Who can
make “clean” that which YEHOVAH God
declares is “UNCLEAN”? The truth is, hogs
have running sores in their front hooves from

YEHOVAH God’s Health Laws
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