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12 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 41
7. This is confirmed in Acts 11 where
Peter relates the events of Acts 10 to the apostles
and brethren in Judea and Jerusalem.
COMMENT: When the brethren in
Jerusalem heard these things they glorified
YEHOVAH God and said “then God has ALSO
granted to the Gentiles repentance to life” (verse
What was unclean in the days of Moses
and Noah and the Messiah is STILL unclean
today. Make no mistake. It is no more right to eat
hog flesh, swine’s blood, or mouse feet, or
pickled cats, or boiled dogs, or pickled pig’s feet Black pudding before being cooked -- an ABOM-
or crab or shrimp or lobster or any other UN- INATION to YEHOVAH God!
CLEAN animal today, than it was two thousand
or three thousand years ago! COMMENT: When King Saul and his
company had been at war and were famished,
Blood and the Bible many of them rushed upon the enemy spoils and
started eating “with the blood.”
YEHOVAH’s laws of clean and unclean
meats are not the only biblical instructions that
concern diet. In the north part of England is a
special “delicacy” called black pudding, made
up of congealed blood. Many other countries, in-
cluding Germany and a number of African coun-
tries eat cooked blood in various forms. What
does YEHOVAH God think of this kind of food?
1. What do we read in Leviticus 3:17?
2. At the end of the Flood, when
YEHOVAH God included meat into man’s diet,
what did He warn against? Genesis 9:4.
COMMENT: The reason for this is that
the LIFE is in the blood, and the blood is offered
as the atoning sacrifice. Spanish black pudding -- another variation on
3. Read Leviticus 17:10-14 and Deuter- food FORBIDDEN by YEHOVAH God.
onomy 12:23-28.
COMMENT: The wages of sin is death, 5. What happened next? I Samuel
and death is described as the SHEDDING OF 14:33-35.
BLOOD. Since blood, then, is the requirement COMMENT: They quickly set up a
of sin, the Messiah today is still our sacrifice stone to COOK the meat as an “offering” after
having shed his blood for us. Therefore, we to- slaying their animals and pouring the blood on
day -- aside from the Old Testament injunctions the ground.
-- are NOT to eat blood because the Messiah 6. The New Testament passages that deal
shed his blood for us. with the subject of blood are Acts 15:20, 29 and
4. We get an object lesson of this in I 21:25.
Samuel 14:32. COMMENT: The whole point in con-
YEHOVAH God’s Health Laws