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8 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 41
grunting vacuum cleaner, which ingests all the in the Bible does YEHOVAH repeat four con-
filth, squalor, swill, and garbage in its path. secutive times such a clear and palpable red-flag
Those who eat of its flesh are eating SECOND- warning!
HAND “GARBAGE” -- and it could cost them Yet, today, in southern California, it is
their health, and even their life! amazing to see the increase in advertising of
12. This is WHY YEHOVAH God shrimp and shellfish, lobsters, crab and similar
warns against eating swine or pigs. Deuter- denizens of the deep, as well as the upsurge in
onomy 14:8. advertising of catfish and
13. What about shark -- ALL of which
sea life and fish? Leviti- YEHOVAH God CON-
cus 11:9-12, Deuteron- DEMNS in His Word!
omy 14:9-10. These scavenger fish and
COMMENT: sea creatures are multi-
YEHOVAH God declares pliers of filth and contam-
that only aquatic life that ination. They contain high
has both FINS and levels of cholesterol, mer-
SCALES -- that is, true cury, disease, worms,
fish -- is fit for food or is parasites and sometimes
“CLEAN.” pesticides and other resi-
Therefore, all of due from man-made
the creatures that DON’T pollutants that they ab-
have both fins and scales sorb from the waters
-- that is, those creatures where they dwell.
that are not TRUE fish -- Why does YEHOVAH
must be avoided. Notice! call these creatures “un-
FOUR TIMES YEHO- clean”? Nature itself
VAH God calls those speaks volumes on this
creatures that don’t have subject. Catfish, and other
fins and scales “AN A- bottom-dwelling sea life,
BOMINATION” in Levi- like the pig on land, are the
ticus 11! Is that plain lan- SCAVENGERS of the
guage -- or is it not? Such “deep.” They are the “vac-
creatures would be crusta- uum-cleaners” at the bot-
ceans, shrimp, catfish (no Lobster and crab -- other popular foods tom of the sea, eating all
scales), shark (no scales), deemed UNCLEAN by YEHOVAH God. the filth that filters down
whales (no scales), octo- to the sea bottom. As
pus, squid, mussels, clams, oysters, eels, crabs, “FILTERS OF FILTH,” they become “filth”!
lobsters, crayfish, and so forth. These don’t have They are NOT to be eaten or consumed at all.
fins AND scales and must therefore be A- 14. What about the birds we eat -- what
VOIDED as “UNCLEAN.” They are to be con- does YEHOVAH God say regarding these?
sidered an utter “ABOMINATION” -- detest- Leviticus 11:13-20, Deuteronomy 14:11-20.
able and vile filth!! COMMENT: You might notice that
Why does YEHOVAH God say FOUR these two passages list only varieties of birds
DIFFERENT TIMES that these particular UNFIT for human consumption. No clean birds
creatures are “an abomination”? This is a power- are listed. Only about two dozen UNCLEAN
ful warning to us to TAKE HEED! Nowhere else birds are listed out of thousands found the world
YEHOVAH God’s Health Laws