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Lesson 41 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 13

text is that these are things (including blood) that ease? Much more than you probably imagine!
were FORBIDDEN by the Law and that are 1. Notice Philippians 4:5, King James
STILL forbidden by the New Covenant, hence Version.
Gentile converts should be taught to observe COMMENT: The Bible clearly recom-
them. mends a BALANCED LIFESTYLE -- “modera-
The prohibition against eating blood has tion” in ALL things.
been REPEATED in ALL Biblical times since 2. What does Proverbs 23:20-21
YEHOVAH God allowed mankind to eat meat. condemn?
We should NOT eat blood for the sake of eating COMMENT: These verses clearly con-
blood as a food. When preparing meat reason- demn gluttony and overeating.
able precautions are to be observed to REMOVE 3. What about smoking and cigarettes?
the blood, draining it from the animal, “pouring While there is no direct command, “Thou shalt
it out.” This is to be done at the TIME the animal not smoke,” what do two of the Ten Command-
is killed; and it is done in slaughtering animals ments say? Exodus 20:13, 17.
today in the United States. The meat should then COMMENT: While tobacco kills the
be SALTED to get even more blood out of it. smoker slowly through tar and nicotine poison-
Cooking the meat well cooks out most of the re- ing, other people can be seriously affected by
maining blood. second-hand smoke -- even to the point of death!
The more our so-called “Christian” na- The use of marijuana is a potential KILLER in
tions are steeping themselves in PAGAN occult other ways: driving a car under the influence of
practices, society is going BACK to the “delica- marijuana, permanent psychic damage, or tem-
cies” of PAGAN cuisine. Pagan, occult and Sa- porarily losing control of the mind. The com-
tanist worship often includes the drinking of mandment against COVETING applies even
blood. And many TV so-called “reality” shows more directly. Any item over which one is will-
have the contestants either drinking blood by the ing to risk years in jail, just to SMOKE, is defi-
cup-fulls, or swimming in it to “bob” for objects. nitely “coveted”: it is yearned for, LUSTED
GOD!! 4. What did Paul say to the Corinthians?
I Corinthians 6:19-20.
The Bible and Heart Disease COMMENT: Does it glorify the Cre-
ator -- who gives you every clean breath of air
At first one may think it strange that the you breathe -- to pollute that air by dragging any
Bible would have something to say about cardio- kind of weedy smoke into the lungs He created?
vascular disease or arteriosclerosis -- but it does! The NORMAL healthy function of the lungs is
In 2004 cardiovascular disease claimed drastically impaired by any kind of smoke.
871,500 lives in the United States, and over 5. What did Paul add in I Corinthians
147,000 of these victims were under 65 years of 10:31?
age. Cardiovascular disease is by far and away COMMENT: Are you glorifying
the number-one killer. Similar statistics could be YEHOVAH God with a cigarette or reefer stuck
cited for England, Australia, New Zealand and in your mouth? Far from glorifying YEHOVAH
other Western nations. God, smoking tobacco or marijuana HARMS
Modern researchers have pinpointed the body, offends others, disobeys laws, dishon-
several contributing factors in the heart disease ors parents (another of the Ten Command-
problem including improper diet, overweight, ments), and is potentially harmful to your
smoking, lack of exercise and nervous stress. MIND.
What does the Bible have to say about heart dis- While marijuana is not physically addic-

YEHOVAH God’s Health Laws
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